10 Prepper Items You Shouldn’t Buy New. Survival Podcast

Wilderness Travel Tips

This article contains tips for wilderness travel. It is a general guide.

Sandbags – The Best Tool For Flood Defence

Sandbags are the oldest and most common tool used to defend against floods. Although sandbags do not guarantee a watertight seal, they are proven deterrent to costly water damage. There is a proven art to using these bags of sand to your best possible advantage which this article will discuss.

Outdoor Survival – Learn Some Basic Techniques For Surviving In Cold Conditions

Since the dawn of man, people have learned to use techniques for surviving in any condition. Learn how to find suitable sources of food, water, and shelter in cold regions.

Sandbags – How To Fill Them and What Types to Use

Sandbags are the most effective tool to protect your property from floods, but do you know how to fill them properly? Ten years ago hessian was the only option for a sandbag, new product development in sandbag field has seen excellent alternatives released. What sandbag to use for what operation is revealed here.

Why Popular Survivalist Food Advice is a Disaster

Do you want to be food prepared for a disaster but not sacrifice the huge amounts of time and effort that some advise you do? Is there a cheap, simple, easy way to have survival food ready for an emergency?

Get Your Food Storage Now

With stores like Costco and Sams club food rationing for the first time, getting some extra food storage has never been a better idea. Even on a purse string budget you can get some extra food for your family. Remember that anything could happen and the time is quickly coming where you won’t be able to buy anything from your favorite grocery store.

Be Proactive About Fire Safety By Inspecting Your Fire Extinguishers

The average person does not think about fire safety unless they have recently seen a training commercial or a specific program at work or at school. What people don’t realize is this is serious business and you need to know what you can do to make your home and workplace a safer place to be in. There are several things you can do to make sure your family and coworkers are safe from the dangers of fire and educate them in the procedures, the equipment, and the extinguisher operates.

Twisters Savage Southeast Virginia

On Monday, April 28, a series of violent tornadoes ripped through communities in SE Virginia. Authorities estimated that as many as six tornadoes are responsible for the widespread damage. Striking as it did in the late afternoon probably saved many lives. Most people were working or shopping at the time and many houses were empty.

Preventing Targeted School Shootings – Tips for Educators & Parents

As we approach the anniversary of the Columbine tragedy, it is still apparent that our nation’s schools are still in desperate need of formal threat assessment programs to help predict – and thereby prevent- targeted school violence. The first step in implementing your school’s (or district’s) program is to develop a formal threat assessment policy. A solid policy should set a baseline that establishes what type of behavior will be assessed or investigated.

Do Your Students Have the Information They Need to Recover From a Sudden Emergency?

When your students arrive on campus, does your university ensure that students have all the information they need, to be taken care of in case of medical or other emergency? Of course it depends on the university, but for most schools, the answer is no!

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