10 Survival Items That Fly Off The Shelf. Survival Podcast

How to Legally Prepare For Natural Disasters

No one can predict when an emergency or disaster situation will occur, but if caught unprepared, a person faces a much greater burden and expense in resolving his or her legal affairs. Here are five tips to legally prepare for natural disasters and other life emergencies.

Canning Bananas in the Form of Banana Butter

The price of bananas is expected to jump up as high as 36 cents in the next few weeks. Perhaps now would be a good time to can some banana butter before this happens.

Canning That Wonderful Bacon

In the event of a major emergency wouldn’t you still like to have your morning bacon, or perhaps your BLT for lunch? Here is how you can safely can your bacon for emergencies.

Disaster Kits Can Save Lives

Bad weather is upon us again. It seems as if bad weather comes at least two seasons out of the year. During the winter time blizzards are happening more frequently in the Northern areas, and the coastal regions are preparing for Hurricanes.

Surviving Post Peak Oil Civilization – What to Do If the Worst Happens

Without the necessary infrastructure to cope without petroleum a post Peak Oil society may prove to be a challenge. Here we examine what you can start thinking about now to ensure your survival should the worst happen.

Recovering From Flood Damage

Recovering from flood and water damage is daunting. Here are some important steps homeowners with water damage should take to cleanup, repair and move on with their lives.

Prepare For the Food Crisis – How to Store Your Own Food

Canning and preserving your own food is a cost-effective, efficient way to store vegetables and fruits you grow in your garden. It is also a way to preserve certain other, purchased, foods for times of need. With food prices rising, putting some fresh produce out of reach for middle class consumers, growing and canning your own food is a way to ensure that you will have healthy, nutritious food, if prices rise to more than you can pay, or if food is not available.

Is Your 2008 Hurricane Preparedness in Place?

What’s huge and mean and could blow your house down? No, I’m not talking about any big bad wolf – a mere animal can’t turn your living room into a swimming pool! Only hurricanes, big gnarly hurricanes, can do that and endanger you and your loved ones. If you don’t make the necessary emergency preparations now, you could be out of luck. So prep and plan, people!

Preparedness is About Balance

It is very easy to focus on only physical preparedness when there are floods going on in the Midwest, earthquakes over in Asia, so many various terrorist attacks that can happen at any moment. It is up to each of us to prepare our families the best way we can, and NOT depend on the government to come in and ‘save’ us. It is also up to each of us to be prepared emotionally, mentally and spiritually for any emergency or disaster to happen. If we aren’t prepared in every way, no matter how much food we have, won’t make a difference in survival and life.

Be Ready, Be Prepared

National Preparedness Month is a nationwide effort held each September to encourage Americans to take simple steps to prepare for emergencies in their homes, businesses and schools. National Preparedness Month 2008 is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The goal of the month is to increase public awareness about the importance of preparing for emergencies and to encourage individuals to take action.

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