15 Low Cost Survival Items to Get While You Still Can


Things to Do During a Heat Storm

The states which mostly experience this heatwave are Texas, Louisiana, Missouri, Iowa, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio, Minnesota, Nebraska and California. The adverse effects of this prolonged period of excessively hot weather may include power outage due to excess usage of air conditioning, crop failure, possible massive wildfires, and death.

Survival Packs – Preparing to Meet Mother Nature

When headed to meet the wilderness, survival gear is the first thing that the seasoned nature enthusiast thinks about. What to buy, how much to buy, and where to buy: these are the most common questions a person asks himself while preparing a survival pack, and these are what we will attempt to answer. First, you need to decide exactly what you are going to need.

Do You Have an End of the World Survival Guide?

Are you interested in or do you think you need an end of the world survival guide? While some may certainly scoff at this idea, others realize that while the world may not end, there are always threats to themselves and to their society in general which need to be taken very seriously.

The Significance of Fire Safety Signs and How it Can Save Your Life

Fire safety signs are an important part of keeping people protected in the event of a fire outbreak. It is also one of the best ways to uphold fire safety and increases every person’s chance of surviving a fire.

Fire Alarms – A Fundamental Guide in the Different Types and Categories of a Fire Alarm

Fire alarm systems are a reliable way to protect your family from an impending fire outbreak. It is able to provide people inside the establishment and home enough time to escape or be informed that a fire is erupting.

Understanding the Use of Intumescent Strips and Their Role in Combating Fire Outbreaks

In this modern time and age, science has provided the world with various fire protection devices to fulfill the needs of many individuals. Fire fighting equipment is not only limited to common tools such as fire blankets, fire extinguishers, automatic fire extinguishers, smoke detectors and fire alarms anymore. There are already devices that are specifically designed to provide utmost protection against fire emergencies. One of these devices is intumescent strips.

Winter and Cold Weather Safety

Just as the hot summer months pose weather dangers such as sunburns, heat strokes and heat exhaustion, the cold waves of the winter months pose there own. There is an abundance of outdoor sports activities the winter season brings to us. Anything from skiing and snowboarding to ice climbing, ice fishing, nature walk’s, hiking, and backpacking just to name a few.

Surviving December 2012

To be really honest end of the world prophecies are something that spreads around like a wild forest fire. We as human beings are always so intrigue and subconsciously scared to know the time of our death, of course nobody wants to die, but we know death is something we can’t stop, so it will be helpful in some way or the other, if we know the end of our time. Probably a decade ago there was this news regarding the end of our planet by vague object that will fall from sky and cause destruction of this planet.

It’s Hurricane Season – Be Prepared

Every year, hurricanes threaten the lives and property of millions of Americans. With hurricane season upon us, let’s look at what you can be doing right now to prepare and protect your family because, as the Red Cross advises, “taking steps to prepare ahead of time can help you respond better and stay safer in an emergency.”

Major Earthquakes – Should We Be Concerned by the Unusual Recent Large Earthquake Activity?

The end of September and first couple of weeks of October 2009 were really quite unusual as far as earthquake data goes. This period has been a rollercoaster with as many as 24 major earthquakes in one day and represents a heightened period of world major earthquakes. On either side of this peak at the end of September, there were some other fairly large daily totals too, so this activity is not just an individual daily anomaly, but a more sustained period of crustal unrest.

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