16 Survival Items Every Person Needs

16 Essential Survival Items Everyone Should Have

In a world where unpredictability is the only certainty, being prepared for emergencies is crucial. Whether you’re planning a wilderness adventure or preparing for potential emergencies at home, having the right survival gear can make all the difference. This blog post will outline 16 essential survival items that everyone should possess.

1. Water and Filtration System

Access to clean drinking water is vital. Keep bottled water and a portable water filter or purification tablets. In extreme situations, these can be lifesavers.

2. Non-Perishable Food

Stock up on non-perishable foods like canned goods, dried fruits, nuts, and energy bars. These items have a long shelf life and can provide essential nutrients.

3. First Aid Kit

A comprehensive first aid kit should include bandages, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, allergy medications, and any personal medications.

4. Multi-Tool

A good quality multi-tool can serve many purposes, from cutting to screwing or opening cans. It’s a compact solution for various needs.

5. Flashlight and Extra Batteries

In the absence of electricity, a reliable flashlight can be incredibly important. LED flashlights tend to last longer and are more durable.

6. Fire Starter

Ability to start a fire is crucial for warmth, cooking, and possibly signaling for help. Waterproof matches, lighters, or fire starters are must-haves.

7. Emergency Blanket

A compact, lightweight emergency blanket can retain body heat in cold climates and provide shelter from the sun in hot climates.

8. Whistle

A whistle is a simple but effective tool for signaling for help. Its sound carries further than the human voice and requires minimal effort.

9. Maps and Compass

Even in the age of GPS, having physical maps and a compass is a reliable backup for navigation, especially in remote areas where technology might fail.

10. Portable Shelter

A lightweight tent or at least a tarp can provide necessary shelter from the elements.

11. Clothing and Rain Gear

Extra clothing, especially moisture-wicking and thermal layers, and rain gear are important to protect against harsh weather.

12. Solar Charger

A solar-powered charger can keep essential electronics like mobile phones and radios operational.

13. Personal Hygiene Items

Basic hygiene items such as soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, and wet wipes are often overlooked but are crucial for preventing infections.

14. Rope or Paracord

A sturdy rope or paracord has multiple uses, from building shelters to creating a clothesline, or even in rescue situations.

15. Self-Defense Items

Depending on local laws and personal preference, items for self-defense, such as pepper spray or a survival knife, may be important.

16. Local Emergency Numbers and Contacts

Having a list of local emergency numbers and contacts, both in your phone and written down, is essential for quick access in emergencies.


While we hope never to face a situation where we must rely solely on these items, being prepared can provide peace of mind and, in critical situations, could make all the difference. Remember, the key to effective survival preparedness is not just having these items, but also knowing how to use them. Regularly review and update your survival kit, and consider taking survival training courses to be well-prepared for any situation. Stay safe and prepared!

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