3 Months Is All You Need As A Prepper – Here’s Why

Collective Action For Disaster Management

The world community need consistent reminders of the challenges which natural disasters posed and the consequences of inaction. Numerous past wake-up calls by international aid agencies, disaster management institutions and practitioners somehow dissipated in the milieu of challenges and issues at hand. It behooves comprehensive collective action if the world community want to sustain the quality of life for mankind for future generations.

Cracking of Indian Ocean Plate, and the Reality For Massive Problems Around the World

Did you know that many geologists that study tectonic plates are worried that the tectonic plate under the Indian Ocean might break? If that does happen our planet will completely change, and a good many of the species on this planet will die off. It is these kinds of severe disruptions in the geology of the earth which cause mass extinction events of plants and animals.

Pepper Shot Pepper Spray and How to Find the One That is Right For You

Pepper Shot Pepper Spray comes in many different styles and sizes. This makes it easy for everyone to find one that is the right self defense weapon for you. We will discuss your options and help you choose your best fit.

Two Types of Fire Hose Reels – The Swing Type and the Continuous Hose Reel

A fire hose reel is an essential fire safety device for high-rise buildings and wide area establishments. It is able to provide a controlled water supply to combat fire and preventing it to spread to other areas.

How to Prepare Your Home For Natural Disaster

None of us would want to deal with natural disasters. However, it is better to be prepared and not use the preparations than being caught off guard. Several natural disasters can strike us. Among them are storm, flood and hurricane. Although we do not want this to happen to us, making certain preparations will help us when disaster strikes.

13 Top Reasons Why We Need to Update Hazard Identification

There are many reasons why hazard identification has to be updated. Ideally, hazard identification or hazard recognition is done before unwanted events such as injury and illness health occurs, because there is still enough time to improve the hazard control.

Why You Should Have Tarps on Hand For a Hurricane

Tarps are one of the necessary materials you’ll need in case of a hurricane. As a medium-duty polyethylene material, these tarps can keep water damage out of a house for ninety days.

What Will You Do When the Worst Happens?

It is both difficult to think that the world we all love is about to change for the worst. However, this is becoming more and more of a reality every day. The news is, filled with tragedy and horrific events happening all around us.

Ten Deadly Situations You Might Actually Encounter

It is silly to walk around living in fear and it is just as silly not to educate yourself about potential dangers and how to survive them if you ever find yourself in a natural or unnatural deadly situation. A few minutes of reading could save you or your family’s lives.

Disaster Relief and Emergency Shelters

An estimated six hundred and forty million people in the world are homeless due to reasons such as poverty, human conflict or natural disasters. It is a challenge of vast proportions to provide basic necessities for such people, before they are struck by any of the diseases, and they eventually die.

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