5 Reasons Why Bugging Out Is A Horrible Idea

Nostradamus and the 2012 Mystery

While the Mayans are the ones credited most with the idea that the world will end on December 21, 2012 – it is based on the end of their calendar, after all. Nostradamus is another prominent figure in the 2012 mythos.

Economic Collapse Survival Tips and Secrets

Surviving an economic collapse requires survival planning and preparations. While the old economy, in its decline, threatens a total global collapse down the road, the emergency of our current economic crisis must be addressed today before it’s too late. In order to have your preparations made requires foresight and planning to do it right.

Five Things You Can Do to Help Recover From a House Fire

After a house fire, you may feel that all is lost. It may seem impossible to make a fresh start. After a fire, it will take lots of time before things return to normal, but everybody recovers and gets back to their normal lives in time. Here are five things you can do to help put it behind you and make a fresh start.

Staying Safe in Hurricane Season

Most years, some part of Florida is affected by a hurricane. Sometimes multiple hurricanes strike in a single season, and they vary in severity. Long-time Floridians are familiar with hurricanes and know how to stay safe. Newer residents might not have the experience to know what precautions to take. Even some natives might believe myths or take inadequate precautions.

Emergency Services Make the Best of a Bad Situation

No one likes emergencies. They produce damage, expense, and inconvenience to everyone living in the home from the parents to the children to the pets. Flood, fire, mold, and crime and trauma clean-up can be difficult, even for the most experienced home repair person.

Writing the History of 2012

When we write the history of 2012, what will we say? Did it bring a New Age, or the end of life on earth as we knew it? Harmonic convergence, or horrific chaos? That something unusual is going to happen on or near that date is increasingly obvious, but no one – however well informed they are – really knows for sure what that is. There are many groups out there clamoring for our attention, eager to assure us that THEY have the inside story, and are anxious to convince as many people as possible of that “fact”.

Defending Your Domain and Domicile After Devastating Disasters Discussed

For those who have lived in the Gulf Coast during the time of Hurricane Katrina, or those who lived through the Northridge Earthquake, or even those that happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time during a huge Tsunami, they realize how fast society and civilization breaks down after such a devastating disaster. In Southern California during the riots, there was chaos in the street and people defending their businesses with automatic weapons from rooftops.

What Happened America? Our Ancestors Were Self-Reliant

America’s history is filled with people that knew how to take care of themselves, they knew how to farm, they knew how to raise animals, they knew how to build homes with their bare hands, they knew how to make windmills, drill for well water, they knew how to irrigate, and they knew how to do just about everything. Today, so many Americans don’t know how to do anything, and they freak out when the power goes off.

What Should Be Included in a Doomsday Survival Guide?

Are you shopping around for a doomsday survival guide? Unfortunately many people are today. There are predictions that the world will end in 2012 and of course there are many other reasons to worry about what might be called a doomsday.

Where to Find All You Need to Know About 2012

Where can you find all you need to know about 2012, the year when supposedly the world or just society in general is going to crumble? Some say that according to Mayan calendars and predictions by Nostradamus and others, this year will be very significant and will be marked by collapses of different societies and social structures overall. Do you believe this? Would you like to find out more?

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