8 Overlooked Ways to Communicate When the Grid Goes Down

Keeping Food Safe During an Emergency – The ABC’s

Disasters such as fire, flood, hurricane, snow or ice storm could jeopardize your foods’ safety. Loss of power is common after a disaster. To reduce the risk of food borne illnesses, it is important to know how to determine if your food is safe.

Make an Emergency Kit

You should always keep an emergency kit at the ready. There are so many possible situations that would require you to be prepared to take care of your family’s needs without access to outside supplies. Many of these situations, like earthquakes and floods, give you no notice. Even in situations like hurricanes where you do get some notice, the stores are packed with people trying to prepare. So get your earthquake kit ready now and you’ll be prepared for anything.

Hurricanes – Emergency Preparedness

Surviving a hurricane can be greatly improved when emergency preparedness is organized and put into action.This article will describe actions that should be taken and supplies that are needed to improve survival success.

Do You Have a Plan C For Disaster?

Do you have a plan C for future emergencies and disasters? If you don’t you might die as a result. It is not enough to have a vague idea that you could handle a real national disaster. You must have a plan for the worst case scenario if it happened today!!!

The Red Cross and Disaster Relief

In recent times, many natural disasters have been taking place in the form of earthquakes and tsunamis in South East Asia, and Hurricane Katrina in the Southern parts of the United States. Thousands of disastrous events occur in the different regions of the world every year, affecting a large number of people’s lives and properties so destructively.

Doomsday 2012 – The Truth & the Lunacy, Part 2

This article is the second in a series I’ve written in an effort to debunk the Doomsday 2012 myths. It is my belief that preparing for hard times and possible disasters is very important, but the hysteria surrounding many ridiculous 2012 theories is unhealthy. Let’s explore it together.

Finding Peace of Mind With Emergency Preparedness

Preparing yourself and your family for emergencies is an essential and easy part of parenting. See a list of supplies to include in a survival kit.

Top Tips to Prevent and Survive a Fire in Your Home

Each year there are thousands of house fires in Australia, causing many injuries and deaths. The tragedy is that most are started by accident and could have been prevented.

How to Cook and Eat MRE Meals

Originally, meals ready to eat (MRE) were designed as military rations by the U.S. army to feed their soldiers in operation and on the field. For a trained soldier, preparing and eating from an MRE pouch might be a no-brainer, but for the ordinary person, it might prove to be challenging.

How to Prepare Your Shed For a Hurricane

If you live in a hurricane-prone area, then it’s important to know how to prepare your shed for the bad weather these storms produce. If you’re like most people, you have valuable items, tools and other equipment in your shed that you want to keep protected. After all, that is the whole point of having a storage shed in the first place.

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