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Top Survival Gear Storage Tips For Preppers

If you want to make sure your family is prepared for any type of disaster, survival prepping is an excellent way to get started. Although you may not think that disasters happen often, recent events have taught us that we should expect the unexpected. Survival prepping is more than just stocking up on food and water. It is also about learning basic first aid and defense techniques. Whether your family is going on a camping trip or staying at home, survival prepping is an important way to ensure your family’s safety.

Basic supplies that you should have include water, food, and edible wild plants. If possible, stock up on three days worth of water and food. You can even buy emergency water pouches or 3-day survival water supplies. The more you prepare, the more conscious you will be about what you need. You should stock up on vitamins and bottled water, and keep fuel and supplies that will help you survive without utilities. Water is another basic necessity, and while most locations will have free water, you should have a means of transporting it and purifying it.

It’s important to have a safe shelter and a stockpile of food. Whether a natural disaster or manmade catastrophe strikes, having these supplies and resources will put you and your family in a much better position than if you’re left to fend for yourself. And remember, if you’re surrounded by unprepared people, they might not have an easy way out. Survival prepping is a vital part of prepping and should not be taken lightly.

In addition to food and water, you should stock up on hygiene items, including toothbrushes, toothpaste, and soap. Then, make a list of the supplies you will need, with headings for each area: food, water, shelter, communication, and purification. And don’t forget to stock up on tools! A multi-tool, flashlight, axe, paracord, manual can opener, and a pair of binoculars are all essential tools for survival.

While the old school preppers may have thought that they would be on their own in a disaster, recent depression studies show that people who lived in communities survived far better than individuals who were isolated. That’s why you should avoid revealing your survival plans on social media. And don’t paint yourself or your family with targets. This will make you vulnerable to attack and can cause you to lose everything, so don’t advertise it to everyone.

While food is certainly important, other items like clothing and lighting are also essential. You’ll also need a way to maintain personal hygiene and sanitation, since power might be intermittent. Even if you have electricity, your food will be spoiled if you can’t keep it cold. As far as survival supplies go, the most important thing is to choose items that are easy to store and don’t require refrigeration. You can find these in many books and online resources.

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