Battlbox Mission 83

Dot Dash Dot Dash Morse Code For Emergencies

Survivalists and various survival groups are always interested in ways to communicate with each other in the event of an emergency. This poses a particular problem in the case of EMP pulse issues.

A Family Nurturing Communication Topic – Being Prepared For an Emergency

Does your family know what to do in case of an emergency? Do all members know how to shut off the gas to your home? The need for this information and more lends itself to a family discussion.

Pilot Survival Gear

Skydiving and plane driving are two of the most extreme air ventures that one can experience. Being a pilot entails extensive education and training. The air is a vast spot of uncertainties under the changing motions of clouds and winds.

Basic First Aid Instructions

One of the most immediate front liners of medical treatment is first aid. In several occasions, the basic first aid instructions have been useful to address sudden fainting, drowning or any sickness for that matter.

Dangerous Apathy in American! Why Won’t We Prepare For Emergencies?

Since the shocking days of post Katrina the population of the United States has done little to prepare for potential catastrophic events. With the continued food shortages around the world how long will it be before it is felt here. The amazing thing is that preparing is not only easy but for the most part inexpensive. Home Land Security states that 93% of us are not ready for an emergency.

72-hour Kit – Preparation Eases Disaster’s Repercussions

We all need to be better prepared for the unexpected emergencies that happen each and every day. I know what you’re thinking: they don’t happen to me. Are you willing to stake the well being of your family on it?

Kids and Disasters – Earthquakes

Earthquakes can be a terrifying experience for anyone who has experienced them, especially children who may not understand what is going on. The following is an explanation of earthquakes and the safety steps that should be taken in the event of this type of natural disaster.

Survivalist and Spear Fishing

Finding actual ways to maintain our existence in extreme cases of emergency situations is a taxing problem for the survivalist. The responsibility of providing the necessities of life for ourselves and our families is a great burden to all of us. While traveling and once we arrive at our retreat it becomes even more important to know how to obtain continuous food reserves over a period of time. Spear fishing can certainly act as one of these resources for fresh food.

Fire Safety Preparedness – An Ounce of Prevention!

Each year many residential fires result in the loss of life and damage to property. The majority of fires are caused by incidents of smoking, cooking, children playing and the deliberate setting of fires. A few important and easy steps can be taken to prevent the majority of fires or to contain the damage to a minimum when a fire occurs.

ICE – In Case of Emergency For Cell Phone Users

The ICE (in case of emergency) program was launched in England in May 2005 from an idea of Bob Brotchie, a paramedic. This unique cell phone program has now reached worldwide acceptance and is a life-saver.

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