Battlbox Mission 85

First Aid – Why Caregivers Must Know It

Caring for an elderly or disabled person is a major responsibility, and a lot goes into doing it right. Being compassionate and knowing how to make them as comfortable as possible is important, but knowing first aid is even more so. Underestimating the importance of first aid as a caregiver is a recipe for disaster.

Fire Blanket – Learn to Use it the Right Way

A fire blanket works by cutting off the fire’s air supply, which is one of the three elements that a flame needs to burn. Fire blankets can extinguish even grease or electrical fires that cannot be put out by water. The concept of blanket seems simple enough that even a young kid can understand it. However, it is important to remember that there is a correct way of using this special blanket that you should know about so you will be ready in case of an outbreak in your home or office. Below is a practical guide on how to use this safety device.

Essential Items That You Should Carry in Your Vehicle at All Times in Case of an Emergency

While we are out driving around running our errands, picking our children up from school or driving home from work, there are some emergency situations that can happen to keep us from getting home for a couple of hours. The emergency could be anything from a traffic accident that blocks traffic, to your vehicle breaking down.

Treating For Shock in the Wilderness

In case of an injury in the wilderness, you must always consider the strong possibility of shock. Here’s how to recognize and treat it.

End Days

A hot topic today is the prediction that the End Days are near. Specifically the date is set for December 21 2012. Although there is zero scientific evidence that anything will happen, there are numerous theories about the form the end days will take. The leading candidates are a geomagnetic reversal, solar mass ejection, asteroid strike. Or something more intimate, like a flu pandemic, or a nuclear war.

Regulating the Standards of Fire Bunkers – ABCB Takes Initiative

The Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) is the regulatory body of the Australian government to regulate building construction standards in all Australian states. It represents all state governments and representatives from the building industry. The Building Code of Australia (BCA) is maintained by ABCB which focus on minimum necessary standards with respect to safety and sustainability of the buildings constructed and maintained.

What Teenagers Need to Know About Self Defence

We are living in difficult times when personal security and self defense have become the most important part of our lives. This holds particularly true for teenagers and younger children who run the risk of getting harmed by anti social elements in society. For this, it has become essential to learn about various techniques of self defense that can help teenagers to deal with sudden attacks.

Extreme Survival – Weapons of the Cold

One of the toughest and most extreme survival situations to find yourself in is being trapped in the cold with in subzero temperatures, freezing winds, snowstorms and the ever present danger of hypothermia and frostbite. All your basic needs immediately become harder to fulfill as soon as you step into the cold. However, with the right knowledge and even a little preparation, you can survive even such extremely threatening situations.

Preparing For Extreme Winter Storms

Winter storms can create many different hazards. Understanding and preparing for these hazards is an important aspect of keeping yourself and your family safe during the winter months.

Emergency Contact Cards and Other Christmas Tips

It might sound a bit far-fetched to you, but there is a high probability that thousands of families will find themselves spending countless hours in A & E over the Christmas holidays. One good reason why an Emergency Contact Card that gives all your person details and medical information would be a good thing to keep with you at all times during the Christmas period! Even better you could try avoiding the accidents in the first place.

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