Building a Fire & Harvesting Drinking Water in the Snow | ON Three

Survival Gear For Beginners – Long Term Survival Food Strategy – Part 1

There are several things to consider when preparing your survival gear and supplies. Generally it is a good idea to have both a short term and long term strategy in regard to survival preparedness. Keep in mind that a preparedness strategy needs to be customized to meet you and your family’s individual needs, in terms of disaster planning, there is no such thing as a one size fits all plan. We will touch on some basic questions you may want to consider when planning and creating a survival kit.

Disaster Survival Kits Can Save Lives

No one knows when disaster may strike, but getting prepared beforehand will help you survive. No matter whether it is natural disaster in a local area, like an earthquake or hurricane, or man made disaster, terrorist attack and fire, you require having disaster survival kits with proper emergency supplies. The disasters will force you vacate your neighborhood, place of work or school or will detain you to your house.

Winter Escape Routes For the Home

Every homeowner and their families need to know two things by reflex: the best routes to escape the home in the case of disaster and where to meet up in such a situation. Fire, carbon monoxide pollution and other disasters strike quickly and without the benefit of allowing time for on the spot formulation of a plan. Being prepared in advance can literally be a matter of life and death.

Prepare For a Time When Disaster May Strike

Since 9-11 America has been making preparations for any sort of disaster that may be tossed at it particularly those which originate at the hands of our enemies. We have developed Emergency Planning Teams as well as various strategies in order to protect the public from a vast number of calamities ranging from pandemic flu, man-made or natural disasters and those which originate from potential terrorist organizations.

Winter Safety and First Aid

Winter is well and truly here now and the nation has begun to feel the effects of the winter weather. It’s unfortunate that with the winter weather comes an increase in injuries and accidents and therefore a busy period for our emergency services.

Too Much BOB Junk

Ahhh, here we have the sweet life of a survivalist. Every now and then I decide to get away from it all and jump in the bug out van and merely travel a short distance from civilization. It tends to opens up ones sense of survival and produces some clear thinking.

Water Removal For a Basement Flood

If you are the victim of basement flooding it can be very depressing. One may wonder what to do next. You have a really big mess on your hands especially if you have a lot of items in your basement. The first thing to do is to act fast. Find yourself a top-notch company that specializes in water removal. It is imperative that you get the water removed from your flooded basement as soon as possible.

How Does A Fire Start and What to Do to Prevent It

A fire can possibly start in any home. To prevent this, families should identify possible fire hazards and identify ways to prevent it from occurring.

Important Precautionary Measures You Should Take in Highly Flammable Areas

When we go to places, we see signs. Some tell us what to do while there are others that prohibits us from doing something. There are also signs that warn us about the inherent danger in the area. Since it is about the risks involved nearby, all should take signs seriously.

Important Points to Keep Your Family Safe From Fire

Prevention is better than cure, a cliche, yet true. Although this is important, we should also keep in mind that awareness and information will save us when tragedy hits.

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