Crate Club Unboxing

Volcanoes – Dealers of Death by Land and Sea

People who live near a volcano often feel the earth tremors that normally precede an eruption. Since they arent sure if or when it will blow or how violent the explosion will be should it come, they tend to go about their daily lives and wait to see what happens. That is why many thousands of people over the centuries have lost their lives to volcanic explosions.

Food Shortage Or Fuel Shortage – Pick Your Poison

Not that many years ago there was a bright star on the horizon – ethanol and bio-diesel production could reduce our dependence on foreign oil. Wherever profit and supply and demand meet, the highest profit is where the demand will be.

Hurricane Preparedness

Hurricanes are one of the most damaging kinds of storms known to man. If you live along a coast in a hurricane-zone area, the best way to protect yourself is to be prepared. Follow this simple homeowner’s checklist for hurricane preparedness.

Food Shortages – Big Farms Create Big Risks

Modern mega-farm agriculture was set up on several principles under one umbrella goal – to make the most profit possible. Driven by a consumer demand for cheap food there are a large number of specialist farms – there’s 3,000 head of dairy cattle here, 4,000 head feedlot there, 3,500 hogs on one farm while another has 10,000 chickens. (Unfortunately, the people growing corn and other crops on 6,000 acres of land won’t use the manure from those 20,500 animals so it accumulates as toxic waste instead of nutrition for the soil.)

Dangers Associated With Stevia

Many survivalists have asked me about the potential dangerous effects of using Stevia. Stevia is a natural type of sweetener which comes from a plant. The Stevia plant is a member of the sunflower family. In this article I would like to provide you with some background information regarding this interesting plant and what if any precautions you should take.

What Are the Advantages of Having a Fire Detection System in Your Home?

We should never underestimate the power of fire. Fires can start for any reason from defective wiring to arson, but the results are always the same – loss and devastation. The only control we have over a fire lies in detecting it early. By installing a fire alarm and detection system in your home, you can know you’ve taken the needed steps to protect your family.

Hurricane Response Teams – Who Are These Responders?

So, who are these responders? Typical first responders include law enforcement and emergency medical personnel. Occasionally, branches of the military are mobilized for additional support.

Parenting Plans – 4 Important Questions For Disaster Planning

Parenting plans typically cover the areas of time-sharing schedules, child support and expenses and decision-making. An often overlooked area is planning for natural disasters, severe storms and the aftermath. Here are four important questions to ask when making a disaster plan for your children.

Scared of Driving on Bridges Over Water?

Automobile emergency tool for drivers who get trapped. It cuts open seat belts, shatters windows, deflates air bags and has an emergency light.

What’s the Difference Between “Lockdown” and “Shelter in Place”?

With a new “event” occurring all too frequently in the news, a lot of the terms seem to get confusing. If you have children, they now do “lockdown drills” in school. What is a lockdown? What does it mean to shelter in place? What’s the difference between to two?

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