Doomsday Prep List – 80 Essential Items to Keep You Going

Doomsday Prep List

Doomsday Prep List – 80 Essential Items to Keep You Going

If you’ve ever wondered what you need in a doomsday scenario, you’ve come to the right place. The article below has 80 essential items to keep you going in a disaster. Topics include Water purification devices, First aid supplies, and Temporary shelter. You’ll also find information about the importance of keeping an updated stock of food and water. It’s a great way to plan for a disaster, or to get your mind thinking about how to survive if something terrible happens.

80 essential survival items

Every prepper’s list will include canned goods. They are cheap, easy to store, and can last for years. Just about any type of food is available in a can. Sugar and potato flour are inexpensive to buy in large quantities and work as thickeners. Potato flour can also be rolled into balls for bread. Potato flour is also very useful for thickening soups and stews.

Cleaning supplies are essential as well. Baking soda can be used as a cleaning solution. Detergent and bleach are also essential. These items are not only essential to washing clothing and dishes, but can be made at home. A compass, a map, and a book of edible plants are also essential items. It is also important to have a pair of nail clippers. You may not have thought about it, but these simple items can save your life if you need them.

Water purification devices

A qualified prepper’s checklist should include a rainwater barrel and water purification devices. While natural water sources are fine for cooking and bathing, a worst-case scenario may require the purification of drinking water. Water that is not treated before it is released into the system may be contaminated with dangerous pathogens and bacteria. Water purification devices can remove those contaminants and provide clean, healthy water for drinking and other activities.

Choosing the right water purification device depends on the nature of the SHTF situation and the number of survivors. A portable water filter, such as the LifeStraw Family Purifier, is a good choice if the water supply is limited. This device has a reusable water filter, is easy to clean, and can be worn around the neck. It also eliminates pathogens and is easy to carry. A portable purification device should be portable and be able to provide clean water at a higher rate per minute.

First aid supplies

A first aid kit is a vital part of any Doomsday prep list. This list consists of a variety of items that can help you cope with a wide range of emergencies. Some items are sterile, which means they have been processed in a sanitary environment, while others are clean but do not guarantee zero microbial contamination. These items reduce the risk of spreading bacteria or infection to the affected area, thereby enhancing your chances of survival. It is important to note that the supply of these items will differ from your local Good Samaritan laws.

First aid kits can be extremely useful in a number of scenarios, including heat and cold emergencies. Make sure that your kit is easy to access and that it includes instructions on how to use each item. Make sure to pick a kit that complies with ANSI and OSHA guidelines. Also, ensure that it contains as many items as possible – for example:

  • three boxes of gauze
  • some disinfectant
  • some antibacterial wipes.


For many people, coffee is not on the doomsday prep list, but this isn’t the only reason. Other essentials include salt and coffee, which are both great for long-term storage. In a doomsday prep list, coffee will be your favorite beverage, and it can be stored in your freezer or pantry for 20 years. If you don’t want to spend 20 years prepping, consider prepping instant coffee instead, as it’ll last indefinitely. It’s also good to condition your cardio and keep up to date with your health, as you might have to walk long distances and escape.

Salt is essential for long-term storage, as it contains sodium chloride, a mineral that keeps fluid levels in the body balanced. It also makes food taste good and can last for decades. And coffee? Well, it lasts for decades when properly stored, and coffee is a common beverage. This versatile commodity is available at a variety of stores and can easily be made into an instant beverage with water.

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