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Prepper 101 – Survival Prepping Tips For the 21st Century

There are many ways to survive a disaster, but food should not be your only priority when survival prepping. Most people only think about food and neglect other needs, such as water. If power is interrupted, you’ll need to store food that won’t spoil quickly, which means choosing dry goods instead of items that need refrigeration. Here are some tips for survival prepping. Make sure to keep a variety of food items on hand at all times.

First, be aware of what disasters might occur in your area. The most common ones are medical emergencies and financial difficulties, and a sane prepper will prioritize these first. Many personal financial health statistics show that half of American adults are unable to handle a $500 emergency without a credit card. This is a problem, and you should start prepping for those emergencies today. If you’re concerned about safety, consider taking classes or enrolling in a class that teaches you how to protect yourself.

Second, follow blogs that offer advice on survival. Survival Frog is the largest online source for survival products. Ken Youngquist, a veteran of extreme conditions, provides a wealth of advice for surviving emergencies. His blog, Uncommon Wisdom for Survival Times, also features a list of things you shouldn’t stockpile for survival. He has even been featured in the media. He’s definitely an authority on survival and self-defense.

There are many other online resources and blogs that offer great survival tips. Backdoor Survival is run by Gaye, who enjoys DIY projects and ballroom dancing. SHTF Plan is another great resource with numerous articles, videos, and commentary. Both sites have a team of contributors who cover a wide range of topics from gardening to firearms. You can also subscribe to the podcasts of both blogs. So what are you waiting for? Start prepping today! You’ll never regret it!

There are many benefits to prepping, but one of the best is being prepared for anything. You’ll become more resourceful and independent by identifying plants in your backyard and using them for cooking. You’ll be more likely to learn how to identify animals and other living creatures, and you’ll become more aware of the importance of keeping close ties with your family. This makes survival easier than you might think. With the right mindset, it will be easier to deal with societal collapse.

Keeping basic gear on hand is vital, especially for road emergencies. You don’t need to pack all your survival items into a backpack, as you’re unlikely to be walking for long distances. Things like a boo-boo kit, IFAK, and extra glasses can easily be kept in a car. Survival experts recommend learning and practicing skills to ensure you’re prepared. Practicing these skills is a great way to test your skills and learn new ones.

You’ll also need a bug-out bag. It’s important to know where to go once disaster strikes. If you’re living in a city, you may find yourself in a situation where you’re forced to evacuate, like an earthquake or civil unrest. In other cases, you might need to leave quickly to escape from an intruder or even domestic violence. You can use a bug-out bag to carry these essential items with you while you’re bugging out.

If you’re looking for how-to guides, read The Prepared. They have a blog and forum dedicated to this topic. You can also read articles and forums by prepping enthusiasts. Just remember to practice with your family and friends. As with any business, survival prepping is more effective if you share what you know with others. That’s why prepping has become a multi-level marketing industry. Don’t let fear hold you back – get prepared and stay safe!

There are several websites dedicated to survival prepping. For example, the American Preppers Network, founded by Tom Martin and Hugh Vail, offers a free online library filled with articles on everything from growing food to securing water sources. Then, there’s The Prepper Project, run by brothers Chet and Dave Womach. It covers homesteading and disaster preparedness, and also accepts reader submissions. You can also check out other survival websites.

When it comes to survival supplies, make sure you have fire starters and waterproof matches. A tinder or two of Vaseline-dipped cotton balls can be a good way to start a fire. Also, be sure to have a “docs box” with important documents and common sense. Remember that knowledge is power, and the more you know, the more prepared you will be. With the right information and tools, you can survive a disaster in peace and comfort.

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