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Hazmat Absorbents – The Solution For a Wide Range of Chemical Spills

Spills of hazardous materials are particularly dangerous. Read on for information about safe ways to clean them up safely.

Surviving the Wild the Low-Tech Way

Outdoor survival is based mostly on meeting your basic needs while in a survival situation: protecting yourself from effects of extreme temperatures, dangerous creatures, medical problems, and combating hunger and thirst. However well you do that, though, there is still a major problem: how to get back to civilization? This requires knowledge of navigation tips and techniques as well as signaling methods.

Planning For Emergencies

You can have nearly every piece of safety equipment in the world, but if you don’t know how to use it, it’s pretty much worthless. When emergencies happen, this equipment is vital to responding both small and large events. However, it takes training and planning to make sure this equipment is used effectively both at home and in the workplace.

Emergency Survival – A Critical Yet Sadly Neglected Topic

According to FEMA, less than 60% of the population is prepared for an emergency or disaster. If you weigh the happenings in the last decade, (September 11, Hurricane Ike, and Hurricane Katrina to name a few), we are in what have to be some of the most turbulent times when it comes to terrorism and natural disasters.

What You Need to Know to Survive a Storm

When you find yourself in a hurricane, the first thing that you notice is the wind velocity. The wind during a hurricane storm is one of the main aspects that seem to be the most underestimated. The three most damaging “side effects” of a hurricane would be the storm surge, wind and the rain. The wind speed increases per square of the wind pace.

Philips Heartstart AED Trainer and Its Importance

There are automatic devices available that can perform self tests without human intervention on regular periodic intervals. Some of the popular brands that manufacture such automated maintenance devices are Burdick, Phillips, Cardiac Science, Heart Sine and Medtronic.

Philips AED and CPR Emergency Kits – Advantages and Procedures

Philips EMT supplies is a life saving device that is used to deliver an electric shock to the victim of sudden cardiac arrest. Sudden cardiac arrest can victimize a person of any age group or fitness level. During cardiac arrest, the victim’s heart starts to quiver and beat rapidly; it also ceases to pump blood effectively.

How to Extinguish a Grease Fire

Grease fires can occur when a fire starts in the kitchen and gets out of control. They are different than other types of fires in that you should never throw water on burning grease. Oil and water do not mix, and throwing water on burning grease can cause the grease to splash and cause major burns. In addition, water will not extinguish the fire. Instead, it can evaporate on impact and cause a small explosion, intensifying the fire.

Bushfire in Australia – The Causes and Survival Measures

Australian states are prone to bushfire. The dry and hot conditions make many parts of Australian states vulnerable to bushfire. Therefore you need to prepare for the fire during the bushfire season.

Travelling Safety Tips in a Fire – Prone Areas in the Bush

In Victoria the bushfire season is between November to April. This is one of the most bushfire prone areas of the world. On hot and windy days a total fire ban is declared in Victoria as a safeguard to protect the people from bushfire.

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