EDC for 2022 and EDC Organization

Making a Bug Out Bag

Making a bug out bag can be a pretty overwhelming task if you don’t pay attention to the things that you need your bag to accomplish. However, if you start paying attention to the specific functions of your bag, it makes things a little more manageable.

Disaster and Survival Heat – Prepare to Stay Warm During Emergencies

Staying warm is very important during a disaster. There are times that you won’t have your normal services like electricity or gas to help you keep warm. Learn what you need to put together to keep warm.

What’s the Point of Survival Food Storage in a Modern World?

Many don’t understand the point of having food storage while living in a modern world. There are a wide variety of situations that can and do occur where having extra food makes life easier.

Don’t Get Caught With Water Supply Problems During a Disaster

During a disaster, lacking water can be a huge problem. Learn what to do to have some extra drinking water on hand.

Urban Survival Bag – Why Everyone Needs to Have This Bag to Be Prepared For Disaster

It’s a good practice to keep an urban survival bag on hand during emergencies. Learn some basics on how to use this resource.

Preparing For Floods – Hints to Defend Your Home

When flooding hits it can often be without much warning. Flood defense is only effective in advance and once flood waters rise, it can often be too late to do anything other that watch as homes and businesses become flooded.

Is Martial Law Coming Because of the Flu? How You Can Prepare Just in Case

Some are worried about the government declaring martial law during a flu pandemic. One should not be so worried if they are properly prepared with a disaster situation.

Disasters Cause a Need For Emergency Mobile Water Purification

It’s just as possible for people who live in the largest metropolitan areas to experience disaster situations as it is for those in more rural settings. Even though we think of tornadoes in states like Oklahoma, Kansas, and Nebraska, it’s actually possible for them to strike anywhere. The only difference from when they hit in a rural area is that metropolitan areas have millions of people who will need emergency services and care.

Fire Damage Can Be Fixed With a Few Tips

If your home has suffered from fire damage, you might be desperate for some solutions. You will likely need the help of professionals depending on the severity, but you can learn what to do while you wait for their arrival.

What Happens After the Police Arrive to Your Burgled Home?

You called 911 and waited for the police. If you were in the house, you may have defended your loved ones. The case gets complicated if you injured your attacker. The police do not know who you are. Their primary responsibility is to stop the action.

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