Flash 5 Update and Random Outdoor Gear

Survival Prepping Supplies and Doomsday Prepper Food

When it comes to survival prepping, water is probably the most important aspect. Without clean water, you’ll be dehydrated within three days. Aside from death, dehydration can also cause a throbbing headache, exhaustion, and listlessness. In order to keep your body hydrated in a survival situation, you’ll need a gallon of water per person, a little more if you’re in a humid area. You’ll need water to wash your clothes, cook and rehydrate freeze-dried food. If you’re prepared to wash your clothes, this will come in handy.

While it may be tempting to just wait for a disaster to strike, there are several advantages to prepping. First, you’ll save money. If you wait to stock up, you risk having to deal with ransacked shelves and increased time pressure. In addition, if you’re ill-prepared, you may find yourself spending more on your supplies than you originally thought they were worth. Moreover, your survival supplies are also less likely to be replaced if they get damaged.

Second, you can prepare for as long as you think society will be able to function again. If the disaster affects only the local area, the time you need to prepare will be half the amount of time it takes to restore essential services. Generally, you should prepare for a period of two weeks. However, if there’s a major storm or attack, you’ll need to prepare for a longer duration. This is called bugging-in.

In addition to the tips above, there are also many websites available on the internet that will teach you how to survive in a disaster. One of these is The Survival Doctor. This is an online website maintained by a legitimate medical doctor and will help you get prepared for whatever life may bring. In addition to food prep, it contains articles on general health, firearms, and survival prepping. It’s worth a visit if you’re interested in a crash course in survival prepping.

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