Fuel and Water Storage on our Homestead

5 Most Important Safety Principles

Being safe, whether in the workplace or in the home, is easy to do and requires just a little bit of effort and education, which, if done before an accident, can have tremendous benefits that may result in the saving of a person’s life. Though this is a great result, there are loads of different accidents that can occur in almost any environment that can happen suddenly and unexpectedly.

Family Preparedness Awareness – Make Sure That Your Loved Ones Are Safe and Secure in Their Own Home

Family and loved ones are important in anyone’s life. Safety of every member of the family is the number one concerned in daily activities. In any situation, every member must know what the steps to be taken and procedures when emergency strikes.

5 Popular Types of Survival Gear

Survival gear is an absolute necessity for any person heading out into the wilderness whatever the form. This may come in the form of specialized equipment for a specific environment, but it may also be products to allow the storage of basic necessities like food and water.

Do You Know How to Use Wildfire Pepper Spray?

Wildfire pepper spray is a way to protect yourself and others in this high crime age. Make sure to follow the laws in your area before walking around with pepper spray. You have probably watched on TV cops using pepper spray on those police reality shows. The officer warns the fighting and struggling suspect he will pepper spray him if he does not allow the officer to handcuff him.

Military Survival – Interacting With the Locals

Military survival is a tricky, risky business, even more so than a normal outdoor or urban survival situation. One of the threats that military personnel face constantly is the risk of discovery. While a civilian would rejoice upon stumbling across a human settlement, a soldier would simply face a new challenge in such a situation.

Fire Extinguisher – The Right Agent For the Right Type of Fire

It is true that the fire extinguisher is one of the most commonly used firefighting devices. In fact, this is usually the first thing that a business owner would plan to buy and install in his place of business. Since the fire extinguisher is such a valuable tool for fire protection and safety, it is imperative that people know the different kinds of extinguishing agents that are found in the different types of fire extinguishers. Knowing this information is crucial because using the wrong kind of extinguisher can result in serious injury, spread of fire, and extensive damage.

Fire Blanket – A Must For Your Restaurant

So, you have opened up a new restaurant business, congratulations! So far, you have everything covered: kitchen utensils, restaurant furniture, cooking equipment, dinnerware, interior design, and staff. But wait, you seem to have forgotten one important detail, the fire safety equipment! Did you know that in many parts of the world, kitchen cooking is one of the leading causes of fire outbreaks? Since the kitchen would be one of the most important parts of your business, you need to ensure that your restaurant is fully equipped with superior quality firefighting devices for the protection of your business and more importantly, your customers and employees.

Protecting the Protector – STI Stoppers For the Security of Fire Safety Equipment

Fire protective devices such as fire extinguishers and fire alarms are important for the business. They give early warnings about fires and help curb small incipient flames before they become out of control. They truly are valuable pieces of fire equipment that business owners cannot do without. In fact, if only these things could hear and talk, you would probably thank them many times for giving you a sense of security knowing that your business and employees are well protected against the threats of a fire outbreak. If they could talk back, they would probably answer you with something like, “How about us? Who would protect us?”

Fire Escape Ladder

Every home higher then a single story needs a fire escape ladder to help keep your loved ones safe and secure. Most of us who are raising small children have had the thought of your home starting on fire ether it be in the middle of the night or some other time and have always worried about saving our children in the event of a horrible tragedy.

PASS – The Code to Remember When Using a Car Fire Extinguisher

Car owners value their vehicles greatly. After all, they spent a good amount of money in it. Aside from that, cars also provide them with good transportation service. It is not a surprise that many safety-minded individuals install high quality fire extinguishers and fire safety devices in their cars for protection. However, even though many car owners are fully equipped with excellent car fire extinguishers, not many of them actually know how to operate one. Buying a good quality car fire extinguisher is one thing but knowing how to use it is another. Fortunately, operating this kind of firefighting tool is actually not that complicated. To make it simpler, just remember this code: PASS.

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