Gear Pack Box 64 – SOS

Develop Your Evacuation Plan While You Can

There are numerous functions which must be presumed in any evacuation plans which you may develop. First, you must resolve what measures and route you will take, reflect upon any related medical necessities required by your passengers, Space availability for supplies and the weather in your immediate and proposed area of retreat.

Eye on the Storm – Expect the Best and Prepare For the Worst

On August 26, 1992, Hurricane Andrew skipped across the Gulf of Mexico and headed straight for Baton Rouge Louisiana, where we lived at the time. My family and I had taken all the necessary precautions to prepare for the storm. We stocked up on water, non-perishable and kid-friendly foods, diapers, and batteries.

Surviving a Rattlesnake Bite

While it is entirely possible to survive a rattlesnake bite without treatment – two of my family members have done so – I’d recommend against it. Here are some tips to help you survive a rattlesnake bite.

Are You Prepared to Survive a Food Emergency?

Proper and adequate preparation is the logical solution to providing any of the basics needs of yours and your family’s. Whether it’s clothing, shelter, life insurance, health insurance or whatever the need, it all takes planning and fore thought. Being able to survive a food emergency is no different.

Scouting Out on Your Own

You were forced to evacuate your home and you have been on the road for several days now. Finally you have safely got out of the city and have arrived at your retreat location without undo problems. Now while the rest of the family is getting the retreat prepared you decide to take off and explore the area for any potential dangers or liabilities.

Survivalists Five Year Plan

Just as successful businesses have projected five year plans created to plot and monitor their potential progress and to achieve maximum growth potential, the active survivalist should have a similar plan in existence. Successful provisions for the survival of yourself and your family do not happen overnight but require a long term personal commitment by you as well as your family members. These commitments will necessitate making any sort of changes in your survival plans as needed in order …

Role Designation in Survival Situations

When a disaster strikes or an emergency condition is evident gender roles will have to be placed on a back burner for a while. Sure it is nice to have the man of the house bring the wet clothes basket to the line for the wife to hang them up however in these types of situations men and women will certainly hold equal positions.

Bugging Out With a Battery Booster Pack

One of the most useful devices that I have chanced upon has been the battery booster packs. This is an ideal item for any survivalist to keep in their bug out vehicle.

Pre-Made Or Homemade Survival Kits?

The Survival Kit’s in a Bottle usually run from $9.95 to $15.00 according to where you purchase them. These kits use the LEXAN see through bottle as its basic component. The company advertises it as the ideal item for outdoor type people and comes complete with 12 items of survival equipment. Here are some tips for making your own.

Wheat Grinders – Types, Prices, Usage, Recommendations

Want to find out which wheat grinder is the best for your needs? Need to price out different models of wheat grinders? What do you do with all that wheat once you have ground it? Keep reading to get these answers and more!

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