Get Ready For This

Seven Special Safety Tips That Your Mother Should Have Taught You

Hello boys and girls. Nobody likes to get hurt, yet accidents happen every day. If you remember the following safety tips that your mother should have taught you, you will be much more likely to avoid trips to the hospital.

Long Range Recon Patrols and Operations Centers For Survival Groups

Survival groups who may bug out to their survival retreats must give some serious consideration to the security of these retreats for themselves and those who reside there. During times of crisis there will be many tribes and hordes out and wandering the land in search of food, weapons and women. It would do us well as survivalists to take some clues from the Vietnam War.

Emergency Preparedness

Many of us think about what we would do in the event of an emergency, but few of us are able to actually perform when the situation arises. Would you know what to do in an emergency? Here are a few tips to help you prepare.

Wilderness Survival Gear

With wilderness survival gear, you will have higher chances or sustaining life when stranded or stuck in place where there isn’t any food, shelter or water. You can purchase some pre-packaged survival kits online if you a complete set of quality emergency tools, medical first aid kits, emergency supplies and outdoor devices that may allow you to survive the days in backwoods.

Kids and Disasters – Hurricanes

After the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, many children have become aware of natural disasters and are beginning to ask questions about them. As a parent, you should become educated about disasters and the safety procedures that need to be followed to ensure that everyone remains unharmed. The following is an explanation of hurricanes and the steps that your family will need to take if they ever find themselves in a hurricane disaster situation.

Kids and Disasters – Tornadoes

Due to the drastic weather changes that are occurring on a more regular basis, people need to educate their children about the various weather and other disaster alerts as well as teaching them the course of action that they should take in case of such emergencies. Inclement weather is often announced on the television or radio. Yet if you were to ask many adults what the different alerts mean, many would find themselves struggling to find the answers. The following is a brief description of tornadoes, the warning systems, and the steps that you need to take to ensure your family’s safety.

Escaping a Survival Situation

Different aspects of what survival situations you may come across in your life. Detailed information on how to survive in the wilderness or even in your own home in the event of an emergency survival situation.

Evacuate in 2008 – Natural Disaster Preparation Strategies, Have a Plan

When the authorities tell you to evacuate, it makes a lot of sense to do it. Perhaps, you realize that 2008 has seen some pretty crazy natural disasters such as the Hurricanes, Wildfires and Floods that breached the levees of the Mississippi River. We have all seen the destruction and devastation on TV. Often, we see individuals refusing to evacuate.

Dehydrating Sour Cream

I for one when it involves survival believe that if I must live apart from the civilized world then I must do so in a bit of luxury. As such, I tend to store up on nice to haves like canned shrimp, lobster and crab meat, all of which does not require to be refrigerated. I often ask myself what I would do without my usual nice to have snacks and so I have decided to investigate how to dehydrate sour cream.

Use of Tomahawks For Survivalists

We all are familiar with the type of axe commonly known as a tomahawk. This tool or better referred to as a weapon traditionally resembles a large hatchet but with a straight shaft for its handle. Its name originally was derived from the 17th century translation of a Virginian Algonquian’s word. Tomahawks were usually used as a general purpose tools by the Native Americans as well as the early European Colonials.

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