Google Earth and Other Apps for Land Nav | Part 2

Fire Safety and Prevention – Avoiding and Dealing With Fires in the Kitchen

Most home fires begin in the kitchen. It is most likely to start in the cooking area than anywhere else in your home. The heartbreaking part is that these kinds of fires can be avoided. It is essential that homeowners are knowledgeable in fire prevention and safety techniques in fighting a kitchen fire. Keeping wet chemical fire extinguishers inside the kitchen area is not enough to keep you safe from this type of fire.

Fire Safety – Class a Fires and How to Deal With Them

Fire is a devastating experience. It is important for each and every one of us to know the basic procedures and techniques on how to fight fires. In firefighting, fires are categorized into 5 classes. Each class is classified according to the fuel involved in the fire. This classification was formulated to better understand how each class can be prevented and put out effectively.

Fire Safety – Important Facts About Fire Extinguishers

A fire extinguisher is a vital safety equipment used in fire emergency situations. Although we are all familiar with this equipment and we often see this hanging in the walls of homes and buildings, some of us still do not know how it really works. Only a number of people can even identify that it has many types and is used for different purposes. For instance, are you aware that hydrospray fire extinguishers are used for putting out fires caused by combustible materials? If not, then now is the time to learn more about our first line of defense which is the fire extinguisher.

Fire Blankets – Your Ultimate Equipment For Fighting Incipient Fires

Never neglect small-scale fires because they can easily turn big with the aid of the elements of fire (oxygen, combustible materials and heat). Therefore, when you see one almost on the verge of raging, use these blankets, as they are one of the most effective fire protection equipment you can use.

Home Fire Safety Practices – Tips to Avoid the Harmful Effects of Fire to You & Your Family

Everyone is always at risk for fire accidents. The best way to prevent it from happening is to ensure safety and practicing it starts in our homes. Try to follow these tips and you can ensure safety for your family and yourself.

CPR For Children on the Playground

CPR, or cardiopulmonary resuscitation, is an emergency first-aid procedure used to get oxygen-rich blood to the heart and brain when a person’s breathing and heartbeat has stopped. “As a parent, it is absolutely imperative that you know how to perform CPR – it could save your child’s life!” “It really is best to attend a first aid course to acquire the necessary hands-on skills and learn the most up-to-date methods of CPR.

Home Hurricane Protection – What Are Your Options?

Home Hurricane Protection can take on many different forms. However, we are usually specifically talking about protecting doors and windows. The reason is that these are most vulnerable to the debris and strong winds created by hurricanes. To help combat these issues, various devices have been created to protect the windows and doors. These include hurricane shutters, storm panels, and impact windows. Each form can be very effective at providing home protection. Here, is a look at what each does best:

Pack a Bed – Pet Disaster Preparedness

If you are in hurricane country, you know the familiar watches and warnings that come up as a storm closes in. You also probably know what type of items you need to pack before you jump on that evacuation route and head to safer territory. The same goes for those who are in earthquake territory, tsunami zones or flood prone areas.

Hydrospray Fire Extinguishers – Getting to Know Its Composition, Features and Fire Fighting Powers

Having to use hydrospray is way much better than using ordinary water. It is convenient, safe and effective especially when it has water additives.

Fire Prevention – Techniques a Responsible Homeowner Must Know to Avoid Making Your Homes Vulnerable

You may consider your home safe and warm. Heads up, it is not considered one until you have employed all safety measures especially for fire. Fire can be treacherous and it does not choose. To be a responsible homeowner, it is your duty to know these prevention techniques to avoid making your home vulnerable to accidents like fire.

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