Heirloom Tools vs Cheap Tools | Is the Price Difference Worth It? | ON Three

Be Prepared! Hurricane Preparedness

Hurricane can be said as a powerful force of nature which can strike in specific areas. A hurricane can catch speeds more than 100 km per hour. This much speed can do a lot of damage to homes and to other physical objects which can literally fly away with a hurricane.

Emergency Essential – Emergency Radio

An emergency radio is a small radio that can be used in emergency situations like in a disaster or other such events. The radio may be serving the same purpose of listening to the local stations. An emergency however has a basic difference with standard radios as well. An emergency radio may or may not use battery power as a primary source of power for operation. These radios may take their power from the human (known as a dynamo radio) or from other sources like the sun (known as solar powered radios).

Survival Kit Made From the ‘Dollar Tree” Store

Survival kits can be fabricated from a sizable assortment of materials often times consisting of items that may frequently be found within ones home or inexpensively purchased from your local “Dollar Tree” store. It is not essential for one to rush to the local department store in order to purchase bits and pieces for use in those times when you feel threaten with either a natural or a man-made emergency. The simple list which I have created here will be sufficient for those last minute emergency situations. All these items can be purchased at your local “Dollar Tree” store.

Bug Out Journals – How to Learn From Your Mistakes

Every survivalist should practice and rehearse what they will actually do should the emergency ever occurs. Being prepared is the main key to survival and the only means by which we can obtain this necessary proficiency is to practice. Every time we execute a practice exercise, we discover that we have forgotten something or we recognize that we need to add something to our BOB or to the BOV. This is not a predominantly lethal dilemma – At this time!

A Place For the Boy Scouts in Survival Training

Since the occurrence of 9-11 it has become very evident that we as Americans must be equipped for any emergency. Even if we did not take into consideration situations fashioned by foreign adversaries and deliberated upon only the increased calamities associated with the weather it still adds up to the fact that we must be prepared.

Ways to Help You Cope Emotionally With Survival

Let’s face it; nothing can really prepare us for an actual survival situation. There are simply too many variables involved and the always present danger lurks deep in our minds. With the thought of having to survive in the wild on our own brings forth a flood of emotions such as shock, anger, disbelief, depression, fear, hopelessness and denial. But try as we may the fact remains that the situation is real and must therefore be dealt with accordingly.

Bug Out Games For Kids When on an Exercise

When assessing your Bug out procedures and you are in the process of having an actual exercise, it is always necessary to try to put ourselves into the place of our children. Let us face it we as adults can converse with each other during the trip however often times the children are stuck in the back seat of our BOV with nothing whatsoever to do.

What a Flashlight – Much to My Surprise

Being a retired member of the United State military entitles me to use the various privileges found on any of our federal military bases and as such I would occasionally visit Dover Air Force base. While on the base I usually visit the commissary and purchase any miscellaneous foods that my family may need as well as to tour the local BX area.

Save Money, Save the Planet, Save Yourself

The new no battery flashlights are more than a convenience. They have no maintenance costs, are environmentally friendly and are always ready to work when you need them to work. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of regular flashlights.

And Yet Another Preparedness List

Once again I wandered around the net and discovered more items that should be enclosed in our preparedness kit for a rapid and quick get away should we need to leave an area quickly. On our web site you can readily find list after list after list. I think the key to using these lists is to continually compare them and add those items which you deem would be beneficial for you and your family. No one person can complete a list that would serve the purposes for everyone. The final selection of items rests in your hands.

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