How to Make Primers from Household Items

Emergency Preparedness Should Not Be a Disaster

Natural disasters are considered to be the consequence of a natural hazard which affects human activities. They are termed a disaster if they cause financial, environmental or human loss due to lack of planning or lack of appropriate emergency management. There are steps you can and should take to prepare ahead.

We All Need to Look Around

Today I see on the TV. That there is another food that is being recalled the Tomato has made people sick in seven States this is not the first but just one more sign that should make us stand up and take notice of just how fragile Our World and our urban Lives Really Are.

To Store Or Not to Store?

That is the question! Food storage is considered part of being prepared for emergencies and natural disasters. Individuals and families can eliminate some stress, worry and inconveniences by planning for emergency food needs.How much and which foods to store will depend on the members of your household, your preferences, special health conditions, ability to use the food in an emergency, and space for storage.

Survival Kits – 5.5 Items You Must Have

What are the items you need in a personal survival kit in your house, office, etc. Don’t get caught off guard when an emergency happens!

Different Categories of Water

Utah water damage cleanup can be needed for many different reasons. There are different categories of the types of flooding that can happen and they have different severities. The different categories include clean water or category 1, gray water or category 2, and black water or category 3. You should consider the category of water when before you clean up the mess yourself.

How and Why You Should Be Prepared For Disasters

This is an article to help you get started on the long road to being prepared. Prepared for anything. This is a first in a series of easy how- to articles to get you motivated to take care of yourself and your family.

How a Hurricane Survival Kit – Pack Can Save Lives

It’s Hurricane Season, Are you ready to loss everything or will you be prepared this year? We want you to know how to protect your family. Don’t be without a Survival Kit.

How the Little Things Add Up

It finally happened to you, your home got flooded, now what do you do? The first thing is to stop, get control and think. Number one your list is to locate all your family and animals that were in the home, do you have everyone? Is anyone missing, is everyone accounted for?

Extreme Weather Vulnerability

We are very vulnerable to the weather of the world, find out how you can be more prepared for any natural disaster. Let Katrina be a reminder that natures fury can be unleashed at any time.

Alternative Medicine in a Survival Situation

Use natural cures to prevent or cure sickness in a survival or emergency situation. Find out which gifts mother earth has given us to cure our ailments.

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