How to Poop in the Woods | TJack Survival

What Price Can You Put on Life?

What should I put in my First Aid Box? Is it important to have a defibrillator? Ring the warning bells..

First Aid Saves Lives

When someone has an accident or is suddenly taken ill, every second counts. Therefore, study the first aid section below, it could save lives!

10 Traits of a Successful Survivalist

They have a thirst for knowledge. There’s no such thing as knowing too much, no matter how much we think we know, there is always areas where we can expand our knowledge base and survival skill set – increasing our survivability.

MRE Meals – In a Blink of an Eye

Many of us feel that stocking provisions such as MRE meals we often see advertised will never be necessary in our lifetime. However, circumstances can change in a blink of an eye.

Using a Roof Tarp in Emergency Situations

Following any major storm the next crucial step is damage assessment. As part of the assessment process it is important to note the areas most critically affected by the storm and make temporary repairs to stabilize your home until a professional contractor is available.

Wear the Stunning Pepper Spray Ring For Protection at Your Fingertips

Fifty years ago it was unheard of to lock your doors when your family was away from home or at night while you slept. It was a rare occasion when a home or business was burglarized and violent attacks and murders were something that only happened in the bigger cities like New York or Los Angeles. Sadly, our world has changed greatly since the idyllic decade of the 1950’s. Today very few people leave their homes unlocked at any time of the day or night, whether they are at home or away. Not that a locked door will stop a criminal if he is determined to enter a home.

Try the TASER C2 Without Laser Sight For Personal Defense

Personal defense is a common concern, and many people seek out devices that can help them to protect themselves should they run into any trouble. Different people prefer different types of devices. One option that is worth considering is the TASER C2 without laser sight. This is a less expensive option than the version with the laser sight, and can be a very useful personal defense device.

Winter Time Auto Survival

We travel many places in the winter never considering the consequences of being stranded in the cold for an extended period of time. All automobiles should contain a certain piece of basic survival equipment.

The Benefits of Using Adhesive Tapes For Safety and Fun

Adhesive tapes are very common and are practically considered household articles, and with good reason. As a matter of fact, most people use them to wrap their various gifts and presents. However you can use these types in many other various ways, and once you know a bit more about the different types of tapes you can get, you realize that the possibilities to using them are practically endless.

What Happens When You Make a 911 Call?

This article will describe what happens to your phone call and who ultimately answers it when you make a 911 call. The following discussion only relates to 911 calls placed from a wired land line and is not relevant to 911 calls initiated from a cell phone. A description of enhanced 911 and why it’s important will also be presented.

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