How to Prepare for an Economic Collapse

2012 Doomsday Survival Sanctuaries in Europe

The Sumerian Nibiru Prophecy, Nostradamus’s Doomsday Prophecy and others have given us 9 potential 2012 disaster scenarios to prepare for. The hardest challenge is finding a survival sanctuary for your family when it all gets ugly. While continental Europe has an enormous population, finding a remote safe place with the right kind of climate and terrain is still possible if you know where to look.

2012 Doomsday Survival Sanctuaries in North America

There are 9 possible 2012 disaster scenarios predicted by the Sumerian Nibiru Prophecy, Nostradamus’s Doomsday Prophecy and others. The challenge is to find a sanctuary to be with your family when it all gets ugly. Fortunately the USA is blessed with an immense land area, much of it in high elevations, so finding a remote safe place with the necessary topography is possible if you know where to look.

Avail the Free CPR Training Offered in Your Area

A wise person has said that all the good things in life are free. He is telling the truth. All that you will ever need and want are free. Do you know that learning to administer CPR is free these days? Thus, one can actually deduce that love is free and being able to keep your love ones alive is free also.

The Best Bug-Out Vehicles For Surviving 2012

When the balloon goes up on 21 December 2012 you want to get yourself and your family to sanctuary as fast as possible. One of the best ways to do it is with a modified 4×4 SUV. But it can’t just be an old SUV for reasons I’m about to explain.

Emergency Kits For Survival Or Emergencies

Putting together an emergency kit would be a good idea for a number of scenarios. How you go about building your emergency kit or kits will depend on what kind of emergency you may have to deal with and even where you live.

How Do You Safely Get From the Mall to Your Car at Night?

Walking through a dark parking lot can be scary. Try these tips to make the trek safer.

Tips For Avoiding Hypothermia

The human body functions best with a core body temperature of 98.6 and various internal systems ensure that this temperature remains fairly constant under a wide range of conditions. When core temperatures rise above or below this point the body will react in a negative manner, with sickness and even death possible if the victim is left untreated.

Looking For an Air Ambulance?

Looking for the right air ambulance is a serious business. It involves the care and health issues of your life and your family’s lives.

Outdoor Survival Gear For Urban Use

If you live in an urban setting, what kind of outdoor survival gear can you put together that will help you in an emergency situation? When you start to put a kit together, the first things you should consider are safety items.

How Prepared Are You For Urban Survival?

In putting together an outdoor survival kit for urban use, you can pretty much use many of the same items you would use for any outdoor survival gear bag. You need water and a means to purify it and you must have some sort of food in your bag, even if it’s just a couple days worth of something.

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