How to Survive in an Apartment after SHTF

Emergency Preparedness Supplies You Should Have

While your efforts to put away extra food and water for an emergency is great, what else do you need to put aside to make your life comfortable as well? There are many more items you should be picking up as you go along in case you can’t get to the store or the stores are just not open.

Put Together Your Own Car Emergency Kit

You may keep track of essential things with you car like checking tire pressure and the oil level. But how about other items if you are stranded on the road due to a break down or some other emergency? Would you have any water or food on you while waiting for help to come along or if you must abandon your car?

Why Survival Preparation Can Help During a Job Loss

Job loss is a more likely disaster to happen than a real one. Being prepared for disasters also prepares one for a job loss.

The Three Big Food Storage Mistakes Most People Make

There are three huge mistakes that people who have long term food storage make. Be sure that you aren’t making one of these with the food you are counting on.

Make an Emergency Preparedness Kit For Your Home

If you live in an area that has hurricanes, earthquakes, big snowstorms or tornadoes; you should be prepared to take care of your family by putting aside supplies to keep you going. You do not want to wait for FEMA to show up and take care of you, take your own responsibility to do so and you will be much happier.

Be Aware of Your Surroundings to Avoid Being Carjacked

You are a mother out driving with your kids maybe going shopping or to a school event. You pull up to a red light and there are only a couple other cars around. You notice something moving out of the corner of your eye to your left and turn to look and find some guy standing right buy your door.

How to Protect a Log Cabin From Wildfires

Wildfire season happens in the spring and the fall when the winds pick up. Remote cabins are particularly threatened by wildfires, first because they are usually in the woods or in remote areas where firefighters have a hard time getting to them, and second because they are uninhabited much of the time, and so often no one is home to defend them against the fires. Here are some ways to protect your cabin even when you can’t be there.

Know the Fabrics to Make Smart Outdoor Clothing Choices

Dressing to survive in the outdoors starts with knowing what fabrics to wear. Different fabrics have radically different properties. Choosing the wrong type, or mixing clothing of different materials, can be disastrous!

Put Together Your Survival Equipment

As you are putting together your survival equipment for your home, car or bag; try not to add stuff that you are sure will not be used but you would like it anyway. These kind of items are using up valuable space for more important stuff and will add unnecessary weight.

Hurricane Preparations – Getting Prepared For a Hurricane

It’s amazing how each time a hurricane approaches, there is a scramble for food, gas, and water. And a big one is plywood to cover windows.

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