How To Survive The First 90 Days After SHTF

Essential Preparation Tips During Natural Disasters

The changes in the ecological balance of the world affect the different phenomena in nature including natural catastrophes that are bombarding the contemporary world. Natural disasters are beyond your control and there is not much you can do about it but properly prepare yourself and your family whenever one happens. There are several kinds of natural hazards depending on your demographic location and other factors in the environment. For instance, if you are in a tropical country, you may experience excessive rainfall that eventually leads to flooding and landslides. Other places are more prone to earthquake because they are based in seismic locations, while others experience hurricanes, tidal waves and wild fire among others.

Steps on How to Escape a Sinking Automobile in a Flood Or Accident

All auto accidents are stressful events and many are very frightening. One of the most terrifying type of automobile accident is when a vehicle plunges into the water, leaving a driver and passengers trapped inside. These accidents are particularly dangerous due to the risk of drowning and many deaths are presumed to be a result of panic.

Surviving 2012 – 3 Things the Experts Won’t Tell You About Surviving 2012

In this article you’ll learn how to prepare to survive 2012. We’ll talk about why it’s so important to have lots of canned food available, the reason you need to have a survival bag ready and why it’s so important to know so much about the different 2012 scenarios as possible.

Averting Chaos and Understanding What is Really Happening During Times of Turmoil

We must be very careful not to over react when faced with a crisis, or a potential crisis. We must also prevent our paranoia from driving us into a ditch. If we work too hard to avert the chaos or crisis at hand, we are likely to solve that non-problem, only to create a new one.

Surviving a Tsunami – The Samoa Experience in October 2009

Can you survive a tsunami? It depends. You have to get to a location that is out of reach of the tsunami. You can be out of reach by getting to ground that is high enough. You can also be so far inland, on flat terrain, away from the coast, that a tsunami’s force will be exhausted before it reaches your location.

10 Home Emergency Questions You Need to Know About

One of the biggest problems with homeowners today is that they’re not prepared for household emergencies like, plumbing leaks, electrical problems, kitchen fires, bathtubs and sinks overflowing, roof leaks while it’s raining and last but not least medical emergencies. Let’s see if you can answer a few questions that will help you prepare yourself for home emergencies.

First Aid Kits For Minor Accidents

First aid kits can be in a small package but it can save lives. Camping first aid kits need more comprehensive contents than the basic kit.

What is a Pandemic Economic Depression?

One thing that think tanks do is they consider any plausible scenario that could cause a challenge or situation in our civilization or society. And then the wisest amongst them work extremely hard to try to solve the problem in advance, and prevent it from ever happening. Not long ago, someone came to our think tank with a rather scary scenario, they indicated that the TARP Monies that have been spent stop the economic crisis, have only stopped half of the problem.

Surviving 2012 – What Every Man Should Know About Surviving 2012

If you are afraid of what will happen in the year 2012 then you should read this article carefully. Because, after reading this article, you’ll have a much better understanding of what to do when December 25, 2012 arrives.

6 Tips to Remember For Emergency Evacuations

These days, a natural disaster or accident can happen anywhere. Take for instance in Hurricane Katrina, a natural disaster which nobody thought could be so catastrophic, many people were mortally or fatally injured and many people had no way of contacting or receiving help. Accidents occur every day on the road or on hiking or camping trips. Sometimes accidents are so severe and require immediate attention, you may need to call for an emergency evacuation.

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