I’m Trying Hard to Keep a Level Head With All of This

Dangerous Fires – Classifying & Suppressing Them

All fires have the potential to get out of control and potentially cause property damage or personal injury. Not all fires, however, work the same way. Differences in the source or nature of a fire can greatly affect the fire suppression technique firefighters employ. To better respond to and suppress fires, they are often divided into classes. In the United States, fires are divided into five classes: A, B, C, D, K. These classes are defined in terms of the source of the fire, and each class requires its own particular techniques.

5 Ways to Make Preparedness Training Fun For the Entire Family

If you’re serious about being prepared for any possible disasters, you need to get your entire family behind you. While you can simply demand cooperation, it will work better if you find ways to make everyone want to participate. Here are five techniques to make that easier.

Prophecy 2012 – What You Need to Know to Survive the Doomsday Prediction

Some theories that have also emerged include the Earth shifting on its axis caused by a large asteroid impacting the Earth. This would cause a global catastrophe where millions would die and possibly mark the end of civilization as we know it. The effect of such and impact would be tsunamis, earth quakes and global darkness due to the sun being blocked by debris throw in to the atmosphere.

Deserted Island Survival – Would You Know What to Do?

The popular reality show “Lost”, which may have fantastical elements, still is an accurate example of the kind of troubles faced when stranded on a deserted island. Though the chances of you ever crash landing or getting marooned on a deserted island are slim, they are still there. Here are a few things you can do, should you get stranded on an island.

First Aid Whenever and Wherever

This article will discuss some necessary items for first aid, such as CPR equipment and Automatic defibrillator equipment. One may never know when they are going to be in need of these kinds of items, so it is good to keep them handy when you might need them. This article will inform any consumer of the dangers of not having essential equipment.

A Guide to Survival Schools

Survival School, Boot Camps, Camping Schools and several other institutions around the world can teach you the basics and much more advanced techniques of survival in the outdoors. Some survival schools focus on urban survival, specializing in survival skills in terrorist attacks and hostile situations.

Why the Mayan Calendar is Significant in the 2012 Mystery

The Mayans were an intelligent society, well-versed and taught in mathematics in astronomy. As a result, they have the most accurate calendar available created from a system of calendar that work together to form a cohesive understanding of time and events.

Where Will the Next Flu Pandemic Mutate and Break Out? – Probably Not Haskell County Kansas

It has been researched and believed that Haskell County Kansas, which is West of Dodge City Kansas, if you are familiar with the area, was where the 1918 Flu Pandemic Started. From there it ended up in the over-crowded Barracks; this according to “The Great Influenza; The Epic Story of the Deadliest Plague in History,” by John M. Barry.

I Can’t Decide Between Freeze Dried Food and Dehydrated Food – Need Help?

Lots of people can’t decide. There are definite differences between the two. This article looks at each and let’s you make the decision.

Hurricane Katrina Reality – Let’s Not Lie in Our History Books

Prior to the 2005 Hurricane Season, I’d decided that our Think Tank ought to study up on the Atlantic Tropical Hurricane Season and consider all the problems and challenges involved in keeping our civilization safe. As it stands, we decided to study the challenges associated with a direct hit on New Orleans nearly 30-days prior to it actually occurring, that’s scary stuff when you think about the coincidence factor.

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