It Could Happen

Why Do You Want to Use a Cell Phone in an Emergency?

Your cell phone may be your only link to the outside world during an emergency. Know how to use it when you really need it.

Learn Your Urban Survival Skills

If you want expand your knowledge of survival techniques and methods for the urban environment, the best place to start is with first aid and medical training. You can go to the Red Cross’s website for information on the training they give.

Get Your Winter Survival Supplies Ready

If you live in an area that that gets lots of snow you should be prepared for it before winter sets in. There is no excuse why you cannot have some level of preparation regardless of your income level.

Safety Chest

Fire and flood accidents can cause a life changing to all victims because most of them cannot save important things and valuable stuff at home. It is a human instinct to secure the lives of their family and immediately escape the area without looking back. However some of them will take their life to risk to go back just to save important documents.

The Basics of a Sports First Aid Kit

A sports first aid kit is a vital tool for anyone who engages in sports or has children that do play sports. A sports first aid kit is not much different than a traditional first aid kit, except that the person takes into consideration the sports typically engaged in and tailors the kit to injuries associated with that sport.

Being Scared is Different From Living in Fear

Being Scared is different from Living in Fear Some people are described as fearless. Ain’t so. If a person has never known fear, they either live in a small box and never interact with anyone or they are blissfully unaware.

Things to Include in a Road Survival Kit

No matter how much you prepare, be that it may be a long or short road trip, you can never predict the external influences that may cause trouble. Wherever the road takes you, it should be standard to take a survival kit. Although your survival kits should be tailored for the specific environment you are heading towards, all emergency kits should address the following basic needs.

Minimizing the Damage – Tips For Handling a Home Flooding Emergency

Homes can get flooded for a variety of different reasons: natural disaster, broken water pipes, snow melt, and many more. Regardless of how the water got there, it is absolutely essential to get it out as soon as possible. Here are some tips that will help you handle a home flooding emergency with a minimal amount of damage.

What First Aid Courses Do You Need to Prepare For an Emergency?

Use these ideas to find first aid training for you and your neighbors. The options can be confusing.

How to Survive Electric Shock Burn Injuries

An electric shock injury occurs when an individual comes into contact with an electrical source, causing an electrical current to flow through the body. Electric shock can result in a myriad of injuries, with burn injuries being the most common.

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