Long Term Survival Hinges On This 1 Principle

Upholding Fire Safety With the Use of an Automatic Fire Extinguisher

The United Kingdom is a country that has not been spared by the sudden circumstances of a fire eruption. Hundreds of properties and buildings are destroyed every year as well as the fact that it can sometimes even lead death to fire victims. Therefore, it is only crucial that essential fire fighting equipment is within easy reach at all times as fire can be one of the principal cause of fatalities all over the world. An ideal option for a fire fighting equipment that can be very effective in a fire outbreak is the automatic fire extinguisher.

Car Emergency Preparedness

They say it’s funny how people are afraid of flying when statistics tell us that you are more likely to get into a car accident than you are to get into a plane crash. Apart from crashing, though, there are many emergencies that can happen to you when traveling in your car.

How to Survive Bushcraft

Bushcraft basically refers to the craft of surviving in among the bushes. It is necessary to learn about bushcraft and to get experience as well in order to be able to successfully achieve the art of bushcraft. About a thousand years ago our ancestors would have been able to live in the bush and bushcraft would have been second nature to them.

10 Questions For Emergency Preparedness

We don’t look forward to anything happening to us but it is wise to be prepared and have a plan in place if you were to face an emergency situation. I am going to walk you step by step by asking you ten questions that will help you think through what you need to do. The best time to prepare for an emergency is before it happens.

Poverty in Africa – Please Share Your Skills With Us

Over the past two weeks I have written about my travels in East Africa last year and what poverty in Africa is really like and shared the views of folk I work with on the ground. In the last thread I wrote about the folk in Ruhanga and the search for clean water

Keep a Minor Emergency Kit in Your Vehicle at All Times

It’s bad when they ask you for help and you don’t have what you need to help them. That is why it is a good idea to carry an emergency kit with you at all times.

Introduction to Creating an Emergency Earthquake Plan

If you live in an earthquake zone and have the desire to prepare for a potential high magnitude earthquake, here are several suggestions to get you started. The suggestions below are divided into two categories: (1) what you should know and (2) what you should do.

Bulk Food Storage Secrets – Storing Food in Small Spaces For Your Survival Preparedness Plan

Even if you have limited space in your home, you can build viable food storage that can get you through tough times. With a little creative thinking and a little ingenuity you can find clever ways to store food for an emergency.

Chubb Fire Extinguishers – Life-Saving Tools For a Safer Home

Fire extinguishers are an absolute necessity in the home. Even though there may be a good chance that this fire equipment will be mounted on the wall for quite some time, it may also be your only method of fighting a fire that can easily erupt in your home.

Fire Extinguisher Basics – How to Properly and Effectively Use a CO2 Fire Extinguisher

CO2 fire extinguishers are an ideal choice for putting out fires caused by electricity and those originating from the kitchen. To be able to use this type of extinguisher correctly, you need to equip yourself with the proper knowledge and tips to utilize it successfully.

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