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Survival Prepping Supplies – Doomsday Prepper Food and Survival Gear

Survival prepping is a way to be prepared in case of a disaster. As Lenin once said, ‘civilization is three meals away from anarchy.’ If disaster strikes, it’s likely that urban areas will evolve sooner than rural areas. Looting will be easier and there will be more people. The following are some questions to consider when survival prepping. Once you have answered these questions, you can decide on the survival items you should have.

Bugging Out – Depending on the nature of your emergency, you may decide to bug out. Bugging out can mean moving to the wilderness, or even to a predetermined Alpha Site. Your alpha site is your first fallback location, and it should be a safe place, with water and land accessibility. It should also be secure. You should make sure you know where you’re going and how to get there in case of a disaster.

Changing Reality – When you’re prepping, you’ll have the added benefit of being able to change part of reality, such as the date of expiration for non-perishable goods. By getting a plan for your survival, you can sleep better at night. But what if you don’t know how to survive a disaster? If your family can survive in a pre-made shack or a ruined home, you’ll be much more prepared.

Survival Skills – Some survivalists prepare for a disaster that is far worse than any one we’ve experienced before. They prepare for a nuclear winter, an EMP attack, or total social collapse. Whatever the reason, the tools of survival will help you stay safe and survive. And the more prepared you are, the less chance you’ll be attacked and killed by others. You might end up being the only person left standing, but at least you’ll be prepared.

Food – When preparing for an emergency, remember that your basic needs need to be met first. You’ll need food, shelter, warmth, safety, and security. This will last you for at least two weeks – a few weeks is more than enough time to prepare for a disaster. But if a disaster does affect critical infrastructure, then your prep time will decrease significantly. A good rule of thumb is to have at least a two-week supply of food and water. If you’re worried about food security, then you’ll need to prepare for two weeks or even more.

The highest level of preparedness is doomsday prepping. In this level, people have prepared for the worst and have a plan of action to deal with the emergency. They’ve researched local areas for possible SHTF scenarios, and are already planning survival strategies and preparing for a life-threatening situation. They’re not relying on technology or science fiction to save their lives. But with preparation, you can survive a situation that no one can predict.

A good way to start your survival planning is to create a list of survival essentials. This checklist should include the basics – food, water, medical supplies, power, heat, and medical supplies. If you can, consider communication – radio, flashlight, and phone – if possible. And remember that your list of necessities depends on the type of crisis you are facing. If you prepare for a low-level crisis, you will be better prepared than if you had prepared for a more serious crisis.

Survival Mom is another good resource. This blog is run by a mom who has a single goal – to help other moms prepare for the worst. There are informative articles posted on this site about the topic. Survival Mom also offers tips and tools on food and gun prep. This blog has an online store as well as a podcast, which is full of survival tips and information. And a community-based Facebook page has over 1,600 posts from many different sources.

If you have a pet, consider your plans for bugging in with your pet. You should prepare for the worst possible situation for your pets, including emergency medical supplies. For example, if you have a dog, cat, or fish, consider the pet’s needs. Think of how to care for your animal in an emergency. A good survival kit is an essential part of bugging out. It’s essential to consider all of the above considerations, and the proper items to pack your bug out bag will ensure a safe and comfortable experience for everyone in your family.

The American Preppers Network is a network of sites dedicated to helping families prepare for disasters. The website also features a vast online library and includes articles, videos, and commentary by authors. Another great resource is the Gray Wolf Survival website, run by a combat veteran with a background in survival. This website also offers a podcast devoted to survival topics. The podcast hosts Brian Duff are both down to earth and are great resources for survival information.

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