Prepper School Vo. 15: Out of Stock!

CPR Training Online – Get the Most Out of It

CPR Training online is one of those skills that one learns in hopes of never having to use it. At any given time someone close to you could become a victim of needed immediate emergency assistance.

2012 – The End of the World?

Some suggest that the December 21, 2012, date will be a positive time, the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new age of renewal in the spiritual or even genetic sense, an exaltation of the human race. Others believe that the 2012 is the time when the earth purges itself of humanity, either because of religious judgment or due to humanity’s inability to assimilate to the natural world (indeed, because of its inclination to separate itself from nature).

Staying Safe and Secure by Having a Car Fire Extinguisher

Being safe is a state of mind that we yearn for and we do all we can in our homes to protect our families and property. Therefore at home, we will generally have a fire extinguisher on hand ready for any emergency. Should that kitchen or garage fire start, we are ready to put it out or at least block it so out families can get out. But what about safety and fire prevention in our cars.

Hi Vis Jacket – A First Line of Defense

A Hi Vis jacket is vital if you work in the outdoor environments, as danger is lurking around just about every corner. Working on roadways, you can often find tractor-trailers, cars, and trucks racing by workers within inches of where they stand.

Mouth-to-Mouth CPR on a Stranger – Would You Do it?

Mouth-to-Mouth CPR scares a lot of people. Here is a way to help save someone’s life without endangering yourself.

Useful Survival and Disaster Preparedness Products to Have on Hand

There are some very useful disaster preparedness products to consider having on hand in case of emergencies. These won’t do everything you need but can make life more comfortable when you really need them.

How a Bug Out Trailer Can Help You Survive During Disasters

One option during disasters is a bug out trailer. This can be taken and used for shelter. Even if you can’t get out, you can still use it as well as the supplies that it contains.

Water Purification Options When Your Long Term Water Storage Goes Bad

If you are in a disaster situation, water is very important. Learn some water purification options that you need to prepare today.

Are You Ready If a Disaster Struck Today? Don’t Wait Until Last Minute to Prepare!

This article will show you why it is imperative that we prepare in case a disaster strikes. Some of of the basic things to get are food, a solar panel if possible, water filters. But do you know where you can find it?

Tips to Purchasing an Orange Safety Vest

Wearing an orange safety vest late at night is an excellent way to make yourself visible to others on the road as the last thing you would want is to get hit by a car. The following are tips to helping you make the purchase and what factors to take into consideration before you buy.

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