Prepper School Vol. 20 Top 10 Flashlights To Have

Survive Martial Law – What Practical Steps Can One Make to Prepare For a Martial Law Situation

If you have to be quarantined, because of something like martial law, could you survive? Having enough supplies at home for a long term quarantine situation will make life easier and more comfortable.

Preparing For Martial Law – Knowing What to Do in This Unlikely Situation

Martial law is something that has been talked about with recent flu outbreaks. Learn to prepare for this situation and have a plan for what you and your family will do if it were to happen.

Surviving When Stuck in the Snow – Be Prepared to Make Your Life Easier

While major disasters are rare, common things like getting a car stuck in the snow or being stuck at home because of snow are very realistic. Learn to plan and gather supplies for these situations.

Secrets of Survival in an Urban Environment – Don’t Be Caught Off-Guard

Survival skills must be used during an urban disaster. Many don’t think of preparing for these situations but it is important. Learn a few secrets and tips so that you can properly prepare for this.

Disaster Recovery Planning – Saves Money and Saves Businesses

You’ve heard that failing to plan equals planning to fail. Don’t ignore disaster planning or pretend that it can’t happen to your business. There’s a wide range of disasters that can hit, and they can range from a day of lost sales to complete business failure.

Benefits of Wearing a Reflective Safety Vest at Night

If you expect to be outdoors on a regular basis especially late at night, then you should be aware that visibility can be drastically reduced for others on the road. However, being seen by others is especially important as there are hundreds of pedestrian related accidents that occur each year.

Will My Neighbors Think I’m Crazy If I Plan For an Emergency?

It’s not crazy to plan ahead. Self reliance is a skill set and a mind set.

Bug Out Exercise Vehicle Departure Checklist

We all tend to forget important items when actually performing a bug out exercise. About the only way to prevent such things from occurring is to do as the military does and use checklists. Included in the checklist are several items that should be performed prior to departure if time permits.

What Type of Communication Devices Are Needed at the Bug Out Location?

If you have a bug out location for disasters or emergencies, one issue that will come up is communication. There is one way communication like receiving news as well as two way communication between you at your location and others. Both of these are necessary.

Importance of CPR and First Aid Training

This article looks at the importance of could be obtained online through various websites that teach the fundamentals of Basic Life Support. The American Red Cross and other organizations are providing first aid and CPR training online and some of these courses may be available for free.

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