Quantum Computers The Metaverse and The End of the World.

Some Simple Tips to Preparing For Electrical Storms

Are you ready for the next electrical storm? What would happen if your power went out for a week? It could happen, so you need to be prepared!

Medical Attention on the Brown Recluse Spider Issue

It is generally advised that immediately after you are bitten by a Brown Recluse spider to have First Aid and if possible medical attention and a medical review, all of them by a specialized doctor. Although these spiders do not usually bite, but when they do you must be very attentive with the bite, because it is in stake your general health and even your life.

How to Prepare For a Hurricane

Helpful hints for preparing for a storm before during and after. From storing water to knowing what your first aid kit should have in it. Suggestions for the elderly, the physically challenged, and the people that are just to busy, and important links for the aftermath information that can help you feel prepared instead of scared.

The SOG Seal Pup Elite Vs The Gerber LMF II ASEK – Which One is a Better Survival Knife?

Two really great survival knives but very different from each other. The following is a comparison between the two knives.

Winter Bug Out is on Its Way

Summer is quickly drawing to a close and winter is rapidly descending upon us. It is high time that we give some due consideration to survival during the winter months. I personally had always hoped that if the SHTF it would happen during the summertime however having a survivalist mind I fully realize that it can happen at just anytime at all.

What to Avoid During Thunderstorms While Indoors

We all know that when there is a thunderstorm, it is best to go indoors. What some people don’t realize, is that if there is lightning outside, you can still be hurt or even killed inside your home.

Why Do I Even Need to Know How to Survive a Food Emergency?

The often asked question of me, or some version of it, is…why in the world would I need to consider how to survive a food emergency or waste my money on survival food storage? You are most likely much more vulnerable than you think. Where do you live? What are common disaster events in your neighborhood? Are you prepared?

Survival Gear For the Wilderness

A wilderness survival gear should include a survival kit. An ideal wilderness survival kit can support 1 person for at least 3 days. The ideal survival kit contains emergency foodstuff. Water, shelter, light, signal devices, first aid kit and other needed supplies needed to survive in the wilderness until rescue is at hand.

Yes, You Can Afford a Food Storage Plan

So you think you can’t afford to have food storage and still feed your family on a day-to-day basis. Well, you can – and I’m going to tell you how to do it.

Homemade Survival Kit

A survival kit is very important to each one of us. Survival kit contains basic instruments and supplies used for emergencies. Most of aircrafts like military aircrafts and space craft are equipped with the survival kit, and also lifeboats.

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