Reloading 12gauge Rock Salt

Top Ten Reasons I Desperately Needed to Rotate My 72 Hour Kit Foods

While writing the article “How to Make a 72 Hour Kit”, I pulled out my own 72 hour kits to take remind myself of how they were put together. I realized the date on them was July 2006! I decided I better buy some replacement foods since the recommendation is typically to rotate it every 6 months to a year.

Pocket Survival Kits Build Children’s Responsibility

I totally believe that children should know all the ins and outs of surviving should disastrous situations progress from bad to worse. In view of this, I have tried to teach my children as much as I can. One of the important things I attempt to stress is to be prepared. To me having specific bug out bags and survival kits are of great value in teaching children about survival responsibilities.

Loose Lips Sink Survival Plans

Similar to the old military saying concerning “Loose Lips sink Ships” so it is with your survival plans. Prudence would dictate that you not openly advertise any of your plans in advance.

Preparing Your Family to Face an Emergency

Disaster has been striking our nation, and the world, recently – earthquakes, tornadoes, severe flooding, tsunamis, hurricanes. What would you do if one of these disasters happened to you?

Preparing For a Hurricane – Yes, It’s That Time Again!

While all natural disasters can be frightening, one of the most common is a hurricane. Hurricane season takes place between June 1st and November 30th. If you reside in an area typically known for being struck by hurricanes, don’t think “it won’t happen to me”, be prepared!

PAT Testing Could Have Helped Prevent a Fire That Shut a Hospital Ward Down

Following the fire in a hospital last year where Health officials had to close the intensive care unit for several day’s because of an electrical fault. It brings to mind the benefits of ensuring that all equipment is Pat tested by a certified PAT Testing company.

Emergency Preparedness Vs Disaster Recovery

You will find, in this article, unique considerations affecting the survival of your bloodline, family, and culture. Until now, certain important threats and response strategies have been all-but-ignored. I will introduce this topic to you, in preparation for further development of the topic in a coming series of online articles, to be finished by the end of September, 2008.

Why What You Think You Know About CPR is Wrong

CPR is an excellent life saving tool that has saved many lives and has existed in many forms for hundreds of years. However, our current method of CPR was not taught to the public until the 1970s. Before that, it was determined that artificial respiration and chest compressions could save a person’s life, but the method before our current one consisted of laying a person on their stomach. Fortunately, our current method is the adopted method because of its high success rate.

The Survivalist and Ham Radio

In the event of a national emergency of any sort you can safely make use of the FRS for several weeks until such time as the available food and supplies begin to run out at which time RF hunters will begin searching for individuals to victimize. These searches will be conducted mostly on the FRS/CB frequencies since they are limited in numbers and often used.

Burn Classification For the Layman

Most people aren’t very familiar with burn injuries in general. We all know that if someone has to go to the hospital for a burn injury, then the burn is probably pretty serious. There are actually very many factors that determine the severity of a burn injury. As a consequence, two separate individuals can be exposed to the same temperatures for the same duration and yet sustain very different burn injuries.

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