Reloading 22LR

What to Do in an Emergency

How well you survive a national emergency depends on how prepared you are. What is public safety? How do people contact their loved ones in an emergency? Can you explain how technology can be used in public safety? Are Asian countries prepared for an emergency?

Be Prepared – Survival Gear

Only 7% of Americans have taken the necessary steps to prepare for an emergency. 93% of Americans are unprepared for an emergency requiring multi-day survival. Knowing what to do during an emergency make make all the difference when seconds count.

Wilderness First Aid Kits Save Lives

If you are heading out on a wilderness trip you better make sure you have your wilderness first aid kits prepared and with you. Chances are that if you do not bring a kit with you then you will need it. Most times you bring a kit you will not need to use it, but that is fine, just as long as you have it with you.

Tornado – What Could I Have Done?

Cows are flying by, there is a witch on a broom cackling at you and you can see Dorothy’s house being flung through the air, Yes, you’re in the middle of a tornado! Now how do you get out alive? What should you have done prior to this event?

What Can You Do With Your Food Storage?

If you are dependent on your food storage to survive for an extended period of time, would you be able to create familiar meals for your family? Any meals at all? Or do you just have a hodgepodge of random cans and buckets of wheat collecting dust in your basement? I’ve compiled a list of foods you can make with some of the most common food storage items. Find out how your food storage compares!

Why Disasters Mean More Danger to Men!

We all read about the massive flooding in the Midwestern U.S. this past June. At least twelve people were killed. But did you know that, out of the twelve, nine of them were men? Yes, that’s right – men made up three-quarters of the fatalities.

Prepare For Avian Influenza (Bird Flu)

Avian Influenza is an infection caused by the bird flu virus. Although Avian Influenza is an infection typically affecting birds, infections can also occur in humans. This factor makes it important to educate yourself and be aware in an attempt to decrease your risk of contracting it.

Urban Survival – Surviving a Natural Disaster

Are you prepared to survive a natural disaster? In the aftermath of any disaster the first 72 hours are critical to the longterm survival of you and your loved ones. Advance preparation is the key to survival.

Fire Prevention

Losing a loved one, belongings, or even a home is devastating. But losing it to a fire over something that is so preventable is incomprehensible. Is it worth any amount of money to just stop and look things over before you walk out the door for the day or go to bed?

Earthquake Emergency Preparedness – Are You Quaking in Your Boots?

An earthquake can be due to either a natural phenomenon or human activity. Large earthquakes cause many serious problems to the surrounding land and its inhabitants. You might want to consider these ideas when preparing an earthquake emergency plan.

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