Retcvis RB28 FRS Radios

The Merits and Demerits of a Fire Bunker

The bushfire season for this year has begun in Victoria, one of the states in Australia. The last Black Saturday incidents have taught various lessons on bushfire behavior. Some where able to escape danger by using fire shelters. Some people were trapped inside the fire shelters which caused suffocation and intense heat resulting in death.

Are You Prepared? Follow These Important Guidelines For Winter Storm Survival

Be sure to have extra blankets on hand. All family members should have gloves, warm coats, hats and water resistant boots. Check your smoke detectors and fire extinguishers to make sure they are working properly.

Survival Skills Outdoors – The Ultimate Lifesaver

Whether you are an enthusiastic outdoor type, a stay at home mom, or a workaholic career type, survival should be your number one priority. The reason is that survival skills are not limited to the military, the police, or to serious mountaineers and hikers.

Save a Life With Advanced Cardiac Life Support

As a Health Care Provider, you can truly save a life with Advanced Cardiac Life Support. Many lives have been saved according to the American Heart Association. To obtain an Advanced Cardiac Life Support Certification you must be certified in CPR.

Emergency Preparedness – What to Do Before the Disaster

Being prepared for a natural disaster can make the difference between life and death. Yet most people spend almost no time preparing for such an event. Here are a few simple things you can do to help increase both your survival during and comfort after a natural disaster.

Earthquake Safety

Learning to keep safe during and after an earthquake is the single more important thing you can do to maximize your chances of surviving an event unscathed. More people are killed and injured by panic, falling objects, fires, mudslides, and floods than by the actual earthquake itself. Learning to be able to safely navigate these hazards will go a long way in keeping you injury free should you find yourself caught in an earthquake.

Emergency Response – What to Do Right After a Disaster

Just as it is important to prepare for a disaster or emergency well before it occurs, you should know what you need to do immediate after an incident. Having a general post-emergency action plan can mean the difference between life and death to you and your family members.

3 Survival Training Tips For Outdoor Adventures

If you plan on taking a hiking or camping trip you’ll need to learn about wilderness survival first. Learn about three basic tips to help you survive outdoors.

4 Survival Tips For Possible Emergencies

Do you ever worry about finding yourself in a possible emergency situation. Learn about these four survival tips for possible emergencies.

Wilderness Survival – Evacuating an Injured Hiker

Most hiking or backpacking trips end up with little more in the way of injuries than blisters, bruises or bruised egos. But, it is a good idea to be prepared for dealing with a potential serious injury in the wilderness. In this article when I say “prepared”, I’m talking about mental preparation or wilderness survival knowledge.

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