Sanitation after SHTF: How to Do Laundry When the Grid is Down

EMS A-Z Series – “V” Ventilations – Ventilators, Very Basic

If you recall back in the “A” installment I resisted the temptation to cover the very basic topic of airway. In this installment I have chosen ventilations as part of the article not so much because it fits in this part of the alphabet, but because in keeping with the theme of the A-Z series, I want to stress the very basics of what we do.

EMS A-Z Series – “U” – Uncovering EMS

Emergency Medical Services. Seems pretty self explanatory right? I mean what is there to actually reveal? The reality though is that there is so much more to EMS than the lights and sirens, the basic 120 hour EMT course, the 12 month paramedic course or even a two year degree based paramedic course.

What’s a Good Book to Buy to Understand the Katrina Disaster?

Hurricane Katrina rocked our confidence in our Government and our Federal Emergency Management Agency or what we usually just call FEMA; and although FEMA took intensive media criticism, the reality is there was a lot more to it than what we saw in the media. A decent book on this topic is “The Great Deluge,” by Douglas Brinkley, which was recommended to me recently by an acquaintance. In fact, he went out of his way to drop me an email for some essays I’d written on the topic of the Hurricane that devastated the Gulf Coast and flooded New Orleans.

Did the Bush Administration Get a Bum Rap on the Katrina Disaster?

Many who’ve studied the Hurricane Katrina Disaster realized that things were not exactly what the media or opposition party created, that we were led to believe. In any case, rather than tell you what I think, I’d sure like to recommend a decent book to you; Douglas Brinkley’s The Great Deluge. You see, not long ago, I was discussing this book with an acquaintance, and he indicated that whereas, he was not a “fan of George W. Bush, but in this case, his administration did indeed get a bum rap by the media.”

Could the Hurricane Katrina Disaster Have Been Mitigated?

There is a very decent book out about the Hurricane Katrina Disaster, one which needs to be read by anyone who thinks that the outcome, damage, or response by the Bush Administration is what caused all the damage. The book is a decent account of what transpired after the event; “The Great Deluge,” by Douglas Brinkley. Not long ago, an acquaintance emailed me to discuss this topic, and he was someone who was extremely well-read and completely up on the current events.

Emergency Supplies – What You May Need

Just about everybody knows that they should keep at least some emergency supplies on hand, but a lot of families do not. Many families only gather emergency supplies when a foreseeable disaster heads their direction, like a hurricane.

Electrical Burns – Damage, Treatment, and the Law

Electrical burns are a fairly common injury, and it is critical for people to realize that they should be handled differently than standard heat burns. This article explores the damage and potential treatment for electrical burns, and if the victim has legal rights to sue for their injury.

How to Use the Web-Tex ‘Steel of Fire’ Firesteel

How to use the Web-Tex Steel of Fire Firesteel is a simple guide to help people with little experience of firesteels to get the best use out of these fantastic survival tools. A brief explanation of the components of a firesteel along with instructions to help you use it more efficiently.

The Handy Tool We Should All Have

This article will discuss why having a first aid kit around can be very helpful as far as having an accident or experiencing something painful that can be treated at home or on the go. First aid kits are great because now they are small, and essential to most sporting or outdoor activities.

How You Can Survive the Seed Shortage

Food is one thing that mankind needs to survive. Food has been in vast supply in the USA since the early 60’s. This country has not known the devastation of having food supplies limited or controlled. Our generation has only known vast supply available to purchase. Many people used to grow their own food, but that percentage began to dwindle in the mid 80’s. Currently in late 2009 the percentage of people that grow personal vegetable gardens is a mere 32%.

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