Setting up a Squirrel Pole Snare With Brass Wire | TJack Survival

3 Easy Steps to Emergency Preparedness

September is Emergency Preparedness Month, and for many of us, it’s a time when we think about all the things we haven’t yet done to get ourselves, our families, and our businesses prepared for an emergency. After all, just like any organizing or productivity project, getting prepared for an emergency takes time and effort – or does it?

Pepper Spray Your Day and Night Time Defender

You are out trying to find a business address for an appointment with a new client. You find the street and start looking for the correct building. It is almost noon on a bright sunny day. You can’t find a parking space very close to the building, but you are willing to walk the half block to get to the appointment with your client.

How Medical Response Teams Use Emergency Shelters

We live in a world that is rocked by turbulence every once in a while. People become victims of natural and man-made disasters. Their helplessness is mirrored in their eyes. Being humans, it is our duty to help those in need, when the going gets tough for them.

When Fire Sprinklers Fail

It was 7:00 AM on March 22nd, 1987 in a Harlem apartment building when the first flames appeared. Although the building was equipped with a sprinkler system, the fire which had started in a garbage-chute, quickly spread killing seven people. In the aftermath, it was determined the firefighter who had inspected the sprinkler system had mistaken it to be functional.

How Safe Are Your Memories?

We are taking images faster than ever but what happens when the hard drive is full? Or inevitably crashes? Or there is a flood, a tornado, a hurricane or an earthquake? How will you recover those memories? Do you have a plan in place to keep your memories alive?

The 5 Best Self Defense Weapons For Seniors

In your golden years the only thing you should have to worry about is how to enjoy the remainder of your life to the fullest but sadly that is not the case. Now, more than ever, senior citizens need to worry about their personal safety and do what they need to in order to remain safe.

72 Hour Survival – The First Step to Emergency Preparedness

72 hour survival is the first step in your plan to become prepared for emergencies. The government has told us that we need to be self sufficient for the first 72 hours after an emergency occurs. Whether it is a major snow or ice storm, an earthquake, flood or power outage you need to have sufficient supplies for you and your family.

The Use of Emergency Shelters After a Terrorist Attack

Emergency shelters are impermanent places to live. The emergency shelter is usually used in the adverse situations. So this emergency shelters are more than a blessing for the sufferers. As shelter is a place where you can feel safe and protected, these emergency shelters are assembled or are built to provide them security.

Emergency Shelters and Biological Decontamination

In work places and other areas, where there is a fear of biological contamination, it is always wise to install a modern and properly equipped emergency shelter that is ready to deal with all sorts of emergency cases. Biological decontamination is basically a mass level infection that may spread and result in the death of individuals and living organisms. Hence, it is of the utmost importance that necessary steps be taken when dealing with any type of biological contamination.

The Stun Master Multi-Function Rechargeable Stun Gun is Your Personal Security Partner

A stun gun is just the protection you need in order to stop an assailant from overpowering you. The Stun Master Multi-Function Rechargeable Stun Gun will give you the confidence you need when you have to walk into a dark or dimly light parking lot, when you are staying in a hotel or you in any surrounds in which you could be at risk.

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