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Urban Survival – 12 Tips to Follow If You Are Stranded in Your Car in Winter

Natural disasters do not have to be widespread to threaten your safety. A localized snow storm can put you at risk if you are caught up in it. Here are some before, during and after tips that can improve your chances of survival.

Urban Survival – Pet Care in a Survival Situation

While you are preparing your home and family for disaster, do not forget to make preparations for your pets. The behavior of your pet may change during an emergency situation. Pets may become confused, scared or aggressive during crisis situations. Staying calm will help keep your pets calm.

Tips For Emergency Tornado Preparation

There is no storm considered non violent and tornadoes can be considered the most violent. They can strike without warning and cause immense damage to an entire town in a matter of minutes. Sometimes the sirens cannot come quick enough.

Urban Survival – Food Storage and Preparation

Global warming, climate change, eco-terrorism and an unstable economy should make American families think about returning to some of the practices of our grandparents. Following a disaster, be it natural, or man-made, local emergency providers will probably be facing the same problems as the rest of the community. It can take three days, 72 hours, for anyone to come to your assistance, but in certain circumstances you may find yourself on your own for much longer than that.

Get Your Survival Food and Take Cover Immediately

There is no wrong way in preparing to survival food storage, whether you choose the old ways of home-grown items or store bought stuff. Just know, that you are capable of doing the preparation and you should be doing the preparation so that you and your family can survive a food emergency.

First Aid at Motor Vehicle Accidents

Deal with hazards including traffic, explosions, stored kinetic energy and more. Learn the skills you need to be the difference.

Lights Out – Not If You Have Emergency Power Restoration Plan

With another major hurricane battering the Gulf and Atlantic coasts come questions about electric power and restoration, generators, portable power plants, and other means of getting by. Whether it’s a hurricane, earthquake, heat wave, natural disaster, terrorism attack, or any other interruption to the electrical grid, it soon sinks in – “When will power be restored?” While the initial days with no power may be inconvenient – or even feel a bit adventurous in a way – it doesn’t take long before power restoration begins to become a major concern.

Survival and Emergencies – Dealing With the Panic Attack Personality

You can ask any lifeguard what the most critical point is when saving someone from drowning and they will tell you; when you first approach the victim, the victim’s first response is to grab onto them for support and they end up taking the lifeguard down with them. It’s serious especially someone who is big and strong and it does happen a lot. Sometimes the lifeguard has to clock the person or punch them in the face and stun them in order to save their life, now that is scary stuff.

Taser’s Effectiveness Witnessed

I witnessed others in the conference I attended who volunteered to get tased foolishly do so to put a copy of it on their site. As if they didn’t realize how effective they really were!

Survival Emergency Situations – The Emergence of the Natural Leader in Crisis Chaos

Many people say that leaders are born, although there have been enough psychological research papers and projects confirming that most likely leaders are made. Of course, there still seems to be an element of nature over nurture and it is something that has baffled the best of them for centuries. One of the most interesting situations where natural leaders emerge is during times of life or death crisis. Humans in a group caught with life or death choices which require cooperation for survival of the group and the individual demonstrate some rather interesting results.

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