Solo Overnight Building a DIY Teepee For $25 In the Snow and Bacon Chicken Ranch Skillet

Developing a Home Safety First Aid Kit

Taking care of your family’s first aid needs can be challenging whether there is a natural disaster or you are searching for the antibiotic cream to apply on a minor cut or scrape. Creating a home safety kit can provide you with easy access to the items you may need during an emergency keeping you calm when you need it most.

Emergency Shelter and Sleeping

Emergency shelter and sleeping should be considered a part of your outdoor survival plan and your emergency preparedness plan too. Emergency solar blankets are essential for all those that venture out into the great outdoors and should be a part of any emergency plan.

Perspective Helps to Turn Trouble Into Good Choices

Recently there have been a number of tragedies and horrible events that have traumatized individuals at national and international levels. September 11th is burned into the minds of all those old enough to have comprehended the implications. The hurricanes in Louisiana last year shocked us.

Emergency Evacuation Supplies and Plans

Emergency preparedness is everyone job. An emergency plan and emergency supplies should be available at your home, work, school, church, and anywhere people gather.

Food Storage – An Emergency Management Tool

The world is changing, the economy is struggling and the chance that we may be out of work for a week, a month or a year has increased. The prices of food and clothing seem to be accelerating at a faster rate than our paychecks. We’re stressed out, we want to prepare, and we’re reeling our expenditures in, but what else can we do? There is a fairly simple way that can help in these hard times if we’re willing to plan and prepare. FOOD STORAGE. Maybe we wish we’d done this sooner as we see the prices of food getting higher, if only we’d started this a year ago — stockpiled up on our grains etc. We can always begin immediately — right now — accumulate a little at a time, so if things do get even tougher, we have an ace up our sleeve.

Precautions During an Earthquake

Natural disasters can happen anytime. Science has really evolved in a great way, but, it doesn’t have enough power to fight with natural disasters.

When the Power Goes Out You Best Have an Emergency Generator!

If you aren’t prepared for a power outage, you’re asking for big trouble! We used to say, “if” the power goes out, but with the mass number of outages across the nation and the world, it is more prudent to say, “When.” As in when your power goes out due to an outage, accident, snow storm, ice storm, hurricane, tornado, earthquake or other natural catastrophe.

Make Sure Your Family is Taken Care of During a Natural Disaster

Surviving a natural disaster is not difficult if you prepare ahead. Read on for tips on how to get your family prepared.

Infant CPR Certification Proves That You Are Qualified to Administer Infant CPR

The article shows the importance of infant CPR certification. Is there really a need to enroll in a certificate course when one can just learn the basic skill over the world wide web?

Survival Kits – How to Select the Right Gear

Your survival kit should contain enough items to meet the requirements of the emergency situation. For instance, it should make adequate provisions for your most important necessity in a crisis – water. Thirst increases doing an emergency situation, leaving you at risk for dehydration. You would be surprised at the number of emergency kits out there that contain very little provision for water.

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