Solo Overnight Building a Hobo Fort with a Fireplace In the Woods and Chili Cheese Nachos

Wet Chemical Fire Extinguisher – Why Every Professional Kitchen Should Own One

Cooking has always been your passion. In fact, ever since you were a kid, you knew that someday you are going to own and manage your own food business. Now, that you have realised your dream, you cannot help but feel happy and contented. But wait, before you sit back and relax, there are certain things that you should remember about this kind of business. For one, you need to ensure fire safety and protection because as you probably know, kitchen cooking is the leading cause of fires in food businesses.

Self-Defense Options You May Not Have Seen Before

Everyone wants to feel secure whether at home, in your car, or just out going about your business. Unfortunately there may come a time when you need to have some means of self-defense, some way to protect yourself, your home or your family. If you’ve spent any time checking out different types of self defense weapons and training you’ve no doubt seen stores and web sites offering everything from pistols and shotguns to pepper sprays and courses in martial arts. If none of these standard methods appeals to you though, here a few other suggestions (some serious, some not so serious).

Assisted Opening Knives

Although you may think an assisted opening knife (often called an AO knife) is the same as a switchblade, they are in fact quite different. A switchblade is seen as an “automatic opening” knife and are considered illegal in the United States. A switchblade is opened via a spring that is released with a button on the handle. Regardless of the fact they were romanticized in the 1950s, they were outlawed by the 1958 US Switchblade Act.

Tips to Avoid Being Cold During the Winter

When the winter comes, you need to keep your body warm since the temperature at winter must be very low. People can feel cold constantly during the winter, especially in feet and hands. Actually, there are some best ways to keep you warm when the snow falls on winter. Just take a look at the following tips to avoid being cold during the winter and get your body keep warm.

2012 Disaster Survival, Or Just Being Prepared to Respond to an Emergency?

It is unclear if the Mayan calendars ending and the prophecies of Nostradamus of the world ending in fire from heaven. Some of the theories involve the Solar system crossing the Galactic equator.

There is No Need For Homeowners to Panic Ever Again – Home Emergency Preparedness

Do you know what to do if a plumbing pipe breaks in your house? Who are you going to call if there is an electrical fire? Are you or are you not prepared for any type of home emergencies like these? If you’re not interested in panicking ever again, you really need to know how to handle certain types of situations that will arise in your home sporadically.

When an Urban Disaster Strikes, Keep Your Family Safe at Home – Three Tips For Emergency Planning

Urban disasters and emergencies can happen at any time and without warning. With a little planning, you can keep your family safe at home until the disaster blows over. Learn how to plan ahead and keep your family safe.

Fire Extinguisher Cabinets – Do You Really Need One?

Having fire extinguishers installed in your business gives you a sense of safety and protection knowing that if ever a fire does occur, you have the right tools to put it out. But of course, you also know that you cannot just leave the extinguishers lying around, waiting for a tragedy to strike. As the owner, you are responsible for ensuring care and maintenance so that these devices will retain their top working condition.

Carbon Monoxide Detector – Detecting the Silent Killer

Next to the smoke alarm, the carbon monoxide detector is another vital item to have in your home or office. This is because carbon monoxide at high levels is extremely dangerous. For one, it inhibits the proper functioning of the blood in carrying out oxygen to body tissues and vital organs such as the heart and brain. Inhalation of and exposure to high levels of this harmful gas can result in nausea, dizziness, headache, unconsciousness, fatigue, convulsions, and even death. Unfortunately, this toxic gas is colorless, tasteless, and odorless. There is no way of identifying it except with the use of a reliable and trustworthy carbon monoxide detector.

Fire Training – Learn How You Can Save a Life One Day

When you first established your business, you knew that one important responsibility that you have is to follow fire safety regulations. One of your legal duties is to provide fire training to your staff. For some business owners, this sounds like an additional chore considering all the work that they already have to do in a daily basis. But if you would really think about it, providing correct education and exercises can actually help you save a life one day, may it be of your employee or of a customer. Below you will find some of your options that you would want to consider for your employees.

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