Solo Overnight Building a Post-Apocalyptic Shack In The Woods and Ribeye Philly Cheese Steak

How an Emergency Shelter Can Help in a Natural Disaster

Natural disasters are one of the bitter realities that we have to live with. These catastrophes are unpredictable most of the time and can strike any corner of the world. Whether it is a flood, earthquake, Katrina, hurricane or a volcanic eruption, it leaves thousands of people, whether they are living in huge mansions or small wooden apartments, homeless.

How an Emergency Shelter Can Be Used by the Armed Forces

December 26th 2004, at 00:58:53 UTC, an undersea mega thrust earthquake of 9.2 magnitude transpired off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia. The result was a mammoth tsunami that took the lives of more than 22500 in 11 countries.

Bug Out Bag Preparation – 5 Tips For Creating Your Own Survival Kit

When disaster strikes, you must prepare for the possibility that you can not stay in your home. Ensure your survival with a ready made survival kit, also known as a bug out bag.

Staying Warm Outside in Winter Weather

Staying warm during cold weather is not only important for your comfort, but also for your health. Inadequate preparation could lead to frostbite and hypothermia which can be very serious. Here are some tips on staying warm during cold weather.

Do I Really Need to Prepare Myself For Any Home Emergencies?

The one thing that you need to avoid during any home emergency is going to be looking for a plumber, electrician or emergency home repair contractor’s phone number. If you have already prepared yourself before any type of home emergency like this was to ever happen, you’re not going to find yourself in this type of predicament.

Shopping For Fire Extinguisher Cabinets Online

Haven’t you noticed that people have gotten even busier these days? If you would take time off your hectic schedule to observe people around you, you would see how fast people are breezing by, how they do multiple things at the same time, and how they are always in a rush. You are probably not any different. It is no wonder many people are always looking for ways on how to save time to be able to do more things. Take shopping for example, before if you want to buy a fire safety device such as a fire extinguisher cabinet, you would drive to a brick and mortar store and search for the item that you need. It may take you some time to accomplish the task.

3 Reasons Why a Fire Marshall is a Hero

Firefighters are everyday heroes. In the workplace, it is the fire marshall that can also be considered one. Even though, his job is not as demanding and risky as a firefighter, it does not mean to say that his task is not valuable. In fact, only the most serious and dedicated employees are considered for this type of work. If you do not have the guts, determination, patience, intelligence and skills, you would not be appointed as one. As you probably know, this job involves serious and arduous tasks that only the best of the best are able to accomplish. Here are three other major reasons why these people should be deemed as heroes.

Make a Quick Escape With Fire Exit Signs

In most parts of the world, it is a requirement to have clearly marked emergency exits in residential and commercial buildings. Building owners are required to have fire exit signs installed that would direct people to the location of the emergency exit so that evacuation would be carried out much more easily. In the United Kingdom, signs are required to have a picture or symbol so that it would be easier to understand. This pictogram type may or may not be accompanied by text but the picture itself is already effective in directing people to where the fire exit is.

Announcing a Fire With a Megaphone Saves Lives

Panic and chaos are often the results of a fire outbreak. Many people would be shouting, screaming, and running around that if you are the fire Marshall, it would be very difficult for you to pacify everyone and get them to evacuate the premises in an organised manner. For this reason, the megaphone is one of the best things that you should have during such an emergency.

Fire Protection Guide – What You Should Do If There is a Fire

When there is a fire, people’s most common reaction is to panic. This statement is true, but not necessarily correct. During this kind of situation, the correct thing to do is to stay calm because panicking will only prevent you from thinking rationally and responding to the emergency properly. Moreover, you should also act quickly since flames can spread immediately and every second is truly precious. If you have never participated in a fire protection seminar or drill before, chances are, you may not know how to react properly to this type of emergency but this article will provide you with the right information that would prepare you for such scenario.

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