Solo Overnight Doing a $100 Thrift Store Challenge In the Woods and Tuna Mac and Cheese

Proper Use of a Wet Chemical Fire Extinguisher

Not so long ago, a new class of fire was created – Class F. Class F refers to fires that start from cooking fat which burn at extremely high temperatures. None of the current fire extinguishers at the time were strong enough to douse or choke the flame and thus a new type of extinguisher was made just to counter it – the wet chemical fire extinguisher.

The Foam Fire Extinguisher For Your Home

When I run my business, I always make sure I have the right kinds of fire safety equipment within my vicinity. This is not just me of course – as it is now a universal legal requirement in the United Kingdom when the Fire Safety Order (2005) was implemented a few years back.

Why Everyone Needs a Carbon Monoxide Detector

In a potential fire emergency, it isn’t always the flames that spell death and tragedy. Amidst the thing we fear the most in such a situation we can imagine scenarios that depict a flaming room, suffering from the flames or even the movie-like image of jumping out of a burning building. However, reality says this isn’t the case, for besides the fire there is a silent killer – carbon monoxide.

Megaphone – Make Yourself Heard During a Fire Outbreak

Yes, it is true that during a fire outbreak, the most common things that you would see are panic and chaos with people running around and screaming for help. If you were the fire marshal, the biggest challenge for you would be to pacify the people and organise them for safe evacuation. But if everyone is panicking and shouting at the top of their lungs, how would this be possible?

Fire Protection For Businesses

It is quite striking to note that fire protection is a highly underrated policy here in the United Kingdom. If we take a look at the situation it is especially staggering – fires occur quite frequently in the country. Even if we are a highly educated populace, we don’t do well in terms of controlling this highly preventable disaster.

Today’s Emergency Management Solutions

Ever since the World Trade Center attacks and recent violent shootings at schools, emergency management has moved to the forefront of everyone’s minds. Office buildings, transit systems, and especially schools and universities have put new emphasis on their emergency systems.

How Can Young Adults Protect Their Lives From Predators?

As young adults you embark on a journey as a college student, service member, or even another job in the workforce. You’re thinking about having the rest of your life to live but because of lack of experience you have poor judgment.

Survival Guide – Developing a Plan

In any form of preparedness, be it natural disaster or man made disaster, a person’s survival and well being depends of how much they have prepared for a given disaster. Many snicker and scoff at the mere idea of a person taking an active role in their survival success.

Why You Should Get a Travel First Aid Kit

Travel first aid kits are handy to have any time you go in your vehicle. You never know what could happen when you get out in your car. If you drive by yourself you need to have a car charger in your car inside your travel kit along with other materials and supplies such as band aids, extra cash for gas, a map, a flashlight, a bottled water, snack food and maybe a change of clothes incase you have an accident on the way to or from where ever you are going. I always pack extra supplies if I’m going to be more than ten minutes away from my house.

What to Do in Medical Alert Emergencies at Home

The home is a place where people can all feel safe, so much so that we forget that medical emergencies can still happen right within our homes, and right under our noses. This is more prevalent in households that have senior members, but it can happen altogether regardless of the ages that comprise the home.

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