Surviving Nuclear Fallout: Prepper School Vol. 16

Prepare Ahead of Time in Regards to Fire Safety

Being prepared for fires can help protect your family from harm in case a fire does break out. Now is the perfect time to plan a fire escape plan. The safety of your home and family should be a main priority in your life.

End of the World Predictions – Do They All Point to 2012?

If you haven’t already heard, all the end of the world predictions have pointed to December 21, 2012. This is the day predicted to be the end of our current world on Earth.

Is a Generator Needed in Your Survival Or Disaster Planning?

Many debate whether a generator is really needed or not during a disaster situation. Learn why you might need one and why at other times it might be a safety concern.

Preparing For Disasters is Not a Waste of Time – The Worst is That You Have Extra Items at Home

Many see disaster planning as a waste of time. The reality is that even if nothing ever happens, you were going to buy most of the supplies down the road anyway.

City Survival Preparedness – Why Would Anyone Need Survivalism in an Urban Area?

Most people are more likely to find themselves in a city survival situation than a wilderness one. Learn what supplies and techniques need to be learned to make it during an urban disaster.

Getting a Disaster Water Supply When Your Drinking Water May Be Contaminated

During disasters, there are times where the tap water isn’t clean. This means that you need to prepare alternative sources of water that you can use and purify to have something to drink.

What is a Bug Out Location and Why Does This Matter For Survival?

One option for disaster or survival situations is to have a bug out location. This is an area that has been stocked with items in a location that only you and your family know about. It’s a place that one can go to during disasters.

Bugging Out Or Bugging In? – What is the Best to Focus on in a Survival Situation?

When you prepare for disaster you either bug out or bug in. Bugging out means leaving to a preplanned location. Bugging in means staying at home with your supplies. Many times, bugging in is the only option due to certain circumstances.

SHTF Survival – What Do You Have Planned If the Worst Happens?

At any time there could be a temporary break down due to a major disaster. During these times it’s important to have a plan. Learn what things to start focusing on just in case the worst happens.

Beginning Long Term Food Storage – Starting it Out Right and Avoiding Common Mistakes

Long term food storage is a difficult process because so many things can go wrong. Learn some strategies to combat expiration dates and have food if needed over months.

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