The 3 Foundational Ingredients to Store for 25 Years – Mirepoix

How to Survive Planet X 2012

Planet X or Planet Nibiru is a brown dwarf star that is purported to crash on earth December 2012. Planet X is reported to be half the size of the sun and approaching closer to earth as each day passes. Here is my rough guide of how to survive Planet X on 2012 based on numerous readings.

Easy Survival Food Storage

In today’s unstable economy and with threats like climate change and eco-terrorism American families need to have survival food storage, emergency preparedness and 72-hour kits. In the event of a disaster whether it is natural or man-made, local emergency people will be facing the same problems as the rest of us. It may take time three days, 72 hours or even longer for them to come to your assistance.

Knowing CPR Can Save Lives

Most people already know how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). CPR is taught to children in their health classes, and medical professionals wearing petite scrub pants take refresher courses every so often.

Prepare Your Children in Case of Fire

You can never be too prepared when it comes to dealing with a fire in your home. You should take the time to talk with your children about the possibility of a fire occurring and the steps they should take just in case the worst case scenario does happen.

Putting Together a Home Emergency Plan

Many families do not think about what they would do during a home emergency until a devastating event happens to someone we know and love. Unfortunately this is not the best way to learn what not to do. While it is easy to learn from others’ mistakes, why take the chance that it is your mistake others will learn from? Be prepared for a fire, flood or other natural disaster which may turn a regular day into a nightmare. Walk away alive and you will see just how important taking the time to plan really is.

End of the World in 2012?

Is it or is it not the end of the world in 2012? That’s what everyone wants to know. But the truth is, until December 2012 arrives no one will know for sure.

2012 – The Psychology of Living Underground – The Basics

Living underground is not a new concept. In fact, the generation and utilization of underground space has been one of humanity’s drivers for a sustainable future. As early as 1931, human ingenuity imagined and designed plans for the “depth scraper”, a 35-story building resembling a skyscraper of the type familiar in American large cities, which was to be constructed in a mammoth excavation beneath the ground. It was proposed as a residential engineering solution for surviving earthquakes in Japan. The purpose of this paper is to present the current basic knowledge with respect to living underground, and in particular dealing with the human psychology, as well as social interaction of living underground.

2012 World Ending Or New Age Beginning?

There has been much prophesied about 2012, the end of the world, and even Revelations. Is it hype, an attempt to scare and control people, or the Truth. Nostradamus, Mayan Calendars, and Bible Codes all tell us that something is about to change but what?

How to Be Prepared For Potential Problems In your Home Like Hurricanes, Mold, Or Bugs

Depending on where you live, you may want to consider certain types of protective elements to be added to your home to prevent some of the problems that occur in that area regularly. Some areas have a high occurrence of natural disasters like hurricanes or tornadoes and your home should have some of the things that will help fight such storms.

Improvisation – Trademark of the True Survivor

We all know the importance of survival kits, preparedness and planning in case we land in a life threatening situation. However, disasters and accidents do not come after a week’s or a month’s warning: their most lethal weapon, in fact, is the advantage of surprise that they hold over us, and the decisiveness with which they can destruct us.

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