The Most Likely Threats You’ll Face (Free Download Tool)

Bug Out Exercise on a Budget

Every survival conscious family should perform some sort of practice exercise several times per year. This is actually the only way that you will know if you are weak in an area of preparedness. Bugging out before an event occurs is not only a wise decision but essential to ensure your families safety.

Prepare Your Home and Family For Natural Disaster – Important Tips to Remember

There are several things that individuals and families must prepare for, especially the ones that are not at all expected in the most usual and common circumstances like natural disasters and calamities. Making your home a calamity-resistant and safe dwelling place is one of the wisest investments you can ever venture into. How can you prepare your home and family to survive certain events that are beyond your control such as earthquakes, floods, hurricanes and the like?

Let’s Hope the Chinese Government is Reviewing the Russian Dam Disaster

Although it didn’t get much coverage in the global media the Russians had a huge Dam Disaster that killed 75 people, or at least we are told it was only 75 people. Why did this happen; probably due to the corruption in Russia, and the fact that they had a huge flooding event the week prior. Still, floods come and go just like drought periods do.

Hurricane Heading Towards You – 6 Things You Must Do

So a hurricane has formed and is heading towards you. Hopefully you have some pre-hurricane season preparation like fill your gas cans, fix any roof leaks, trim dead branches, got flashlight batteries and cranked up that generator. Now that it is heading towards you, what last minute things should you do?

Hurricane Season Preparation – 5 Things You Need to Do to Prepare

Hurricane season is officially from June 1st to October 30th, but the most active months are August and September. During this time the Atlantic and Gulf coasts are most venerable. For anyone that has lived nay time from Texas, around the Gulf coast, around Florida up to the Carolinas, they have probably experienced a hurricane and know how dangerous they are. So what should someone do to prepare for a hurricane?

Do You Have an Emergency Plan?

Nobody can predict emergencies, but everyone can be prepared for them. Having an emergency plan is an inexpensive way to be prepared.

How to Prepare For Emergencies

Disasters can happen anywhere, anytime due to unexpected natural forces beyond any human controls such as storms, tornadoes, and earthquakes. We can also experience some emergency situations due to humans such as hazardous chemical spills, terrorism, fires, power failures, and more.

The Work of Disaster Relief Agencies

The planet earth is an unpredictable place. It is impossible to tell what tomorrow might bring for us. Every now and then, a country or city is attacked by disasters that lead it to ruins. Wars, earthquakes, floods, cyclones etc strike every now and then disrupting the cities and tearing them down to pieces.

The 3 Best Methods For Purifying Water

In the outdoors you need water, it is essential to life. On an average, people lose 2-3 liters of water every day and that’s just for the average person, not someone who is exercising or active. Don’t forget, the average person can only survive for approximately three days without water.

Living on the Edge of the Quake Zone

Along with volcanic activity, below this soil, a staggering line of fault lines criss-cross across the Seas, and Islands of Indonesia. Making Indonesia, one of the regions biggest quake Zones, a zone that by passes the ‘Big Durian’ but still means Jakarta, lays precariously on the edge of the Quake Zone.

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