The Secret THEY Don’t Want You to Know

Self Defense While Traveling in Your Vehicle – Be Aware of Potential Self Defense Situations

When traveling in your car there are a number of things to keep in mind to avoid a self defense situation. Probably the easiest thing to do is be aware of where you are. Avoid areas that may not look like you should be there. Abandoned residential or commercial areas or areas with massive graffiti are probably areas to avoid. If you find yourself in an area like this, quickly turn around and backtrack to a better area.

What is the Best Survival Knife?

The best survival knife is the one you have when it’s needed. Don’t worry about the current fad, or how pretty or cool a knife may look. The knife you have along is the only survival knife you have!

STOP, You’re Lost!

Here’s the scenario: You walked further down that interesting-looking trail than originally planned and the sun is starting to set behind the mountains. An unsettled feeling in your stomach starts to get worse, and becomes a knot. The knot twists tighter as you realize you don’t have a clue where you are. The thought sets it: I may be lost…

You Need to Be Prepared For Earthquakes

Not all of us live in earthquake zones but for those who do, you need to be prepared for the worst especially if you live in a city. You may never experience anything more than a small tremble but there could be that time that you are in a big one.

The Dutch Oven – A Great Addition to Your Survival Kit

If you’re one of those folks without power, heat or warmth because of the recent snow storms, you have probably recognized the need for a cooking tool that can bake, boil, fry and saute. And it should be able to function with a variety of heat sources, since you don’t know when the electricity might come back on.

Don’t Get Caught Without Your Disaster Kit

It’s possible you may be on your own after an emergency so it would be wise to put away some supplies such as food and water to last you at least three days. Rescue crews and workers may not be able to get out or able to reach your area for a while after an emergency so you want to be able to take care of your self in the short term.

Using Survival Tactics During Economic Trouble

If we continue to have economic trouble into the future and it gets worse, we should start to see more crime which may push us into using survival tactics. People will be desperate to get money to pay for stuff and will start to resort to stealing.

Get Your Survival Supplies Together Now

Have you got your survival supplies together yet? If not, this is something you should be doing if you want to prepare yourself and your family for the real possibility of a disaster or emergency situation. We can go through life thinking nothing will ever happen to us, but watching the news will show you that something can happen at the most unexpected time.

Take Your Emergency Preparedness Serious

Emergency preparedness is something we all should take serious regardless of where you live in the world. Every continent has some natural event like hurricanes or typhoons, earthquakes, volcanoes and on and on that we as humans have to contend with.

72 Hour Kits For Home Preparedness

I have to consider this a potential survival situation. If I was to lose the electricity at the house, would I be prepared, would you? This could become serious in just a few hours with the freezing temperatures. Having a home survival bag could make my situation much easier.

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