Ukraine & Russia: The Inevitable Conflict

How to Prevent and Treat Hypothermia

Keeping warm and dry in a survival situation is crucial to survival preparedness. Warmth and shelter is often overlooked as many survival preparedness enthusiasts focus on food, water, and first aid. Hypothermia has the same importance as other survival preparedness topics, if not more so….

Emergency Preparedness and First Aid Kits

There are so many different options in first aid sets – small first aid kits, large first aid kits, various professional trauma bags, even military trauma bags. The inventory of materials and supplies in these setups varies widely and the number of different class specifications makes comparing and contrasting the various trauma bag contents difficult at best.

Long Life Food Storage

Usually there are specific factors involved which determine how long stored foods will last in the food storage pantry. These factors involve such variables as the temperature of your storage facility, the amount of moisture that is in the stored foods, the quantity of air found in the storage container and the actual storage container itself.

Chinese Epidemics and Pandemics – A Real Threat

In the United States everyone seems to have their hair up in a tizzy about the potential swine flu out-break that everyone expects this winter. The Mexico City Swine Flu break-out, was quite serious, quite serious indeed. And American citizens have a right to be concerned, as a mixture of human, bird, and swine flu strains mutated together is a problem, which we have to watch carefully.

Does Pepper Spray Have a Shelf Life?

Pepper Sprays do in fact have a shelf life. It is recommended that a Pepper Spray be inspected regularly to insure its reliability as a personal protection device.

Prepare Your Home For Natural Disaster

Your home may be your only shield against these disasters. For this, it is important that you keep it disaster-proof. You have to do this to lessen the impact of the disaster. You want to make sure you have all options to ensure safety and survival of your family, if in case things go crazy.

The Predator Threat During Survival Times

We have formerly addressed the problems of residing in the vicinity of a prison when a major calamity threatens our well being. Now I would like to go one step further with that proposal and discuss attitudes. It has been alleged that during the collapse of the Bosnia infrastructure the cell doors of their prisons were opened widely allowing the liberation of many dangerous criminal elements upon society once again.

Backup Plan For Emergency Supply of Water

I recently found myself in a very significant discussion with a new survivalist who was greatly disturbed about not having an adequate supply of food and water. We sat and discussed an assortment of ways to accumulate survival foods and the diverse types of foods at his disposal for use in his emergency kits. Finally we began discussing his necessary water resources.

You Can Save a Life! Learn How to Perform Basic First Aid

In reality, we have to be ready for any possible scenario. There are many surprises and situations that require immediate action and when we encounter an emergency, we have to act twice as fast, and be three times as careful.

Surviving the Wilderness

No matter how many jungle movies you’ve seen, surviving the jungle isn’t as easy as it looks. Death can come in the form of a malaria infested mosquito bite, a rabid tiger or even a poisonous plant, hence surviving isn’t a piece of cake.

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