Warning! THEY Are Hoarding Food and Fuel. Why?

Building Your Own First Aid Kit

Do you know how to build your own first aid kit? In this article, the writer shows you exactly how to do that as well, as some tips on improving your existing kit.

Protect Your Personal Documents Against an Unexpected Emergency Disaster

Your personal documents may not survive an emergency disaster that comes unexpectedly. You may find that you don’t have time to gather them up at the time of the disaster. No matter where you live, no one is immune from the possibility of become a victim of flood, fire, or earthquake.

Disaster Risk Assessment – Your First Step in Your Emergency Preparedness Plans

Being aware of the type of disaster, both natural and man made, that is likely to occur in the area of the country in which you live will increase your survival rate. Which areas of the county are most vulnerable to hurricanes, tornadoes or flood? Are you prepared for a disaster that your area is the most susceptible to?

How to Save Someone Who Has Hypothermia

Winter is coming up faster than anyone can foresee. With it brings many enjoyable winter activities such as skiing, snowmobiling, and even better than that, ice fishing. Some of these activities involve frozen lakes and ponds. These frozen lakes and ponds can be extremely dangerous when the ice is thin. So always check the ice before heading out and you will hopefully never need to save someone from hypothermia.

Informatory Discussion on CPR Supplies

Cardiac problems do not wait for place and time. It is essential to maintain emergency aids in all public places to provide instant relief to the victims.

Importance of the Presence of First Aid Kit in Everyday Life

For any kind of first hand treatment of any aliment or injuries, a First Aid kit is a must. Whether you are at home, in your car, or at the office, the first aid kits are indispensable.

Surviving the Next Power Outage

Don’t you just hate when the electricity goes out? I’m sure you have experienced a power outage in your lifetime.

December 21 – History After the Infamous 2012 Date

In 2012, specifically December 21, history will slam to a halt. Allegedly. Just in time for Christmas, the end of the world will come, so be sure to put off your shopping ’til the last minute, OK?

Emergency Preparedness Kits For Home

Emergency preparedness kits are important for your home, car and office. Accidents can happen at any time and natural disasters are not uncommon. Of course you do not expect these events to happen on a daily basis but it is best to be prepared. It is not wise to wait for problems to happen. A better approach is to get everything ready before a disaster happens.

Disasters Await – Flooding Season Could Be Serious For US Dam Infrastructures

There have been many GAO reports that our nation’s Dam Infrastructure is getting old and crumbly. There was one telling report that explained how many of the dams were not even being inspected in many states. In other words, we don’t even know how bad the problem is.

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